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KidZone Replacement Rumors & Speculation (Pt 2)

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The park still needs what Nintendo was going to provide, so to not aim for something along those lines with this area is slightly frustrating for some of us (or, perhaps, just me!).
No doubt that's true, but I think every smaller addition made in lieu of a big expansion makes the park more interesting than it would have been if we just got the one big land.

I also think setting the bar high for themed play areas and flat rides is a noble endeavor in-and-of-itself, especially when Disney's immersive lands offer big E's with little else to do outside of shopping.
Can't get too adventuresome with kid's food. You can come up with fancy names, but, bottom line, there's only a few things that most will eat if given a choice.....Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets & Pizza is
their predominant food group.
I'm half joking in my earlier post, of course. Don't mean to offend anyone. I like thinking about these things too and was including myself in my observation.

There's a great scene in The Simpsons where Maggie gets a present for Christmas. She tears it open, takes one look at the toy inside, tosses it aside, and then excitedly starts to pop the bubble wrap included in the box. Sometimes we just don't know what kids will like or not like.
Parents have the wallets though

Even a "play area" should consider those with the children rather than just the children themselves

Also, as a child, I was perfectly able to separate Land of The Dragons at BGT from the McDonalds Playplace...

One was far more engaging and one that I would beg my parents to take me to, and a lot of it was thematic wonderment

Sure I had "fun" taking a serving tray and going down the slide with it at McDs....buuut that definitely didn't put it over the edge
Also, as a child, I was perfectly able to separate Land of The Dragons at BGT from the McDonalds Playplace...

One was far more engaging and one that I would beg my parents to take me to, and a lot of it was thematic wonderment

Was the other one at BGT? :grin:

I don't think anybody would dispute that. But it's a good-sized plot of land, and it was once the landing spot for a major land that would have brought several significant new rides to the park.

The park still needs what Nintendo was going to provide, so to not aim for something along those lines with this area is slightly frustrating for some of us (or, perhaps, just me!).

I think one thing to remember is Nintendo/KidZone was happening when they were a 2-park destination. It wasn't until the last minute when they got the go-ahead to plan for the 3rd park and then, rightfully, made the move and cancelled the KZ project.
I think one thing to remember is Nintendo/KidZone was happening when they were a 2-park destination. It wasn't until the last minute when they got the go-ahead to plan for the 3rd park and then, rightfully, made the move and cancelled the KZ project.

Sure, but I bet we still would have (eventually) gotten (a version of) Epic Universe even if Nintendo went into USF.

No doubt that's true, but I think every smaller addition made in lieu of a big expansion makes the park more interesting than it would have been if we just got the one big land.

The thing about that one big land, though, is that it would have immediately added three new attractions to the park, and they would have been three attraction types that many people would agree the park could use to help re-balance its line-up:

- A family-friendly dark ride.
- A heavily-themed, family-friendly coaster.
- A tranquil, (mostly) outdoor omnimover.

Plus extensive interactive areas.
I still wish Nintendo would have gone into Kidzone. It would have been absolutely perfect. USF needs another major land to get people away from Diagon Alley.
SNW was a great idea for Studios

It is also a great idea for Epic

We're used to such a compact resort that I think many of us are still wrapping our brains around EU

I was super ticked when SNW got moved...but then..I remebered "oh wait, new park"

Yet, in an alternate Universe-al...SNW is a fantastic fit at USF and it opens in 2023
SNW was a great idea for Studios

It is also a great idea for Epic

We're used to such a compact resort that I think many of us are still wrapping our brains around EU

I was super ticked when SNW got moved...but then..I remebered "oh wait, new park"

Yet, in an alternate Universe-al...SNW is a fantastic fit at USF and it opens in 2023
I'm not really upset that it's in Epic now, but I wish it was that alternate timeline where Nintendo was built in KZ and Ministry was built on the Fear Factor plot. Epic has no shortage of IP's it could have used (Pokemon, Zelda, Lord of the Rings, the other DreamWorks properties, legacy content, Fast and Furious, etc).
Technically Mario IS a movie now. So it still fits.
Ehhhhhhhhhh the land I’m sure would still be based off the game version rather than the movie, and I’m fairly certain it would have opened before the movie even released. I see what you’re saying, but it’s still quite a stretch compared to Dreamworks.
Sure, but I bet we still would have (eventually) gotten (a version of) Epic Universe even if Nintendo went into USF.

Well, that's not exactly true. The parameters changed, and thus, so did plans. There was a small chance EU didn't happen and UO would have to carry on as a 2-park.

The thing about that one big land, though, is that it would have immediately added three new attractions to the park, and they would have been three attraction types that many people would agree the park could use to help re-balance its line-up:

- A family-friendly dark ride.
- A heavily-themed, family-friendly coaster.
- A tranquil, (mostly) outdoor omnimover.

Plus extensive interactive areas.

You're looking at this from an extremely black-and-white, matter-of-fact POV but A ≠ A in this scenario. "Well because we lost Nintendo in this spot, it has to be an equivalent replacement".

Instead of stacking the deck, they're fleshing out the parks - and addressing a weak aspect of their offerings. And as stated before, because they are investing in EU while not ignoring the existing parks, they are taking baby steps on this project. They still have to plan for a reason to come back for the years after EU opens.

You can still get your dark rides, it just won't be in this phase.
You're looking at this from an extremely black-and-white, matter-of-fact POV but A ≠ A in this scenario. "Well because we lost Nintendo in this spot, it has to be an equivalent replacement".

It's not that it "has to be" a one-to-one alternative.

It's that Universal had a chance to do a lot of good for the park with a single project, but they've now decided to very slowly piecemeal their way through improving USF (if that's even how they view it), and given what else is on their plate (EU, eventually returning attention to IOA because it will be that park's "turn" for new things), it's going to take a long, long time to address everything that I think needs to be addressed in USF.

Nobody else seems to feel a sense of urgency about any of that, and that's fine! But I do.

You can still get your dark rides, it just won't be in this phase.

I'd feel much more confident about such a thing if Universal had said "This is just the first part of a larger reimagining of the area."
It's not that it "has to be" a one-to-one alternative.

It's that Universal had a chance to do a lot of good for the park with a single project, but they've now decided to very slowly piecemeal their way through improving USF (if that's even how they view it), and given what else is on their plate (EU, eventually returning attention to IOA because it will be that park's "turn" for new things), it's going to take a long, long time to address everything that I think needs to be addressed in USF.

Nobody else seems to feel a sense of urgency about any of that, and that's fine! But I do.

I'd feel much more confident about such a thing if Universal had said "This is just the first part of a larger reimagining of the area."
They’d never say your last point though, cause if you tease more (and sometimes better, in terms of expansions), people may wait for their vacations/tickets until that’s done. Wouldn’t make sense marketing wise. I still bet a dark ride happens, not long after post EU but just don’t think it’ll be there at launch.
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