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Knott's Scary Farm 2024

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I havent been to KSF in years but am super interested in Cinema Slasher and going sometime in Oct. Some quick questions.

- GA good enough for a Friday/ Saturday night in October? Last I went in like, 2016 I remember nobody lined up for haunts but everybody lined up for rides.
- Any notable foods I should check out? Special items?
I havent been to KSF in years but am super interested in Cinema Slasher and going sometime in Oct. Some quick questions.

- GA good enough for a Friday/ Saturday night in October? Last I went in like, 2016 I remember nobody lined up for haunts but everybody lined up for rides.
- Any notable foods I should check out? Special items?
I haven’t been since ‘22 but I think I went on a Saturday night and only two mazes had waits that I wasn’t about to queue for: Grimoire and Bloodlines, but both were because Grimoire stops for that show scene and Bloodlines had to get you set up for laser tag. I’d imagine GA would be fine to get through each haunted attraction. Maybe spring for Boofet if you can, cuz I’ve only ever heard good things about that experience.

Edit: I didn’t do the media event for Knott’s this year, and from our article we published it didn’t seem like they showed off their food offerings for media as they had in years past, so we can’t speak to what they have to offer this season
I havent been to KSF in years but am super interested in Cinema Slasher and going sometime in Oct. Some quick questions.

- GA good enough for a Friday/ Saturday night in October? Last I went in like, 2016 I remember nobody lined up for haunts but everybody lined up for rides.
- Any notable foods I should check out? Special items?
Gotta say that pastrami burger at the Wilderness Grill (Name?) and the Hot Nashville chicken taquitos crunches at Strictly in a Stick sound bangin’! Not haunt related but the food stand by the fountain at Fiesta Village has some amazing carnitas fries!

As for the houses, I recommend starting from the back (Mesmer and Slasher first) and then save the backstage houses for last.
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I haven’t been since ‘22 but I wasn’t about to queue for: Bloodlines, because had to get you set up for laser tag.
I'm offended that you didn't visit Valdonia in 2022. Pretty sure there was no real set up, I think they just handed guests the guns because 90% of guests didn't know what/where/who to shoot

I stayed within the last 3 scenes causing chaos & occasional tears.
I'm offended that you didn't visit Valdonia in 2022. Pretty sure there was no real set up, I think they just handed guests the guns because 90% of guests didn't know what/where/who to shoot

I stayed within the last 3 scenes causing chaos & occasional tears.
Oh believe me I wanted to. Was bummed I couldn’t check it out. Wasn’t that its first season? Could explain the line as well.
Better late than never... here's the first half of pics from last week- Friday the 13th





GORE-ing 20s
**NOTE: Ghost Town wasn't covered in it's iconic cobwebs yet. I didn't venture into Camp Snoopy or Fiesta Village, or near Calico River Rapids. Or the Log Ride... It was peopley, so I was there very briefly (sorry).. stay tuned for part 2.
Last night was fun! The two new mazes are both very good. I think the standout of the two is Widows, and that seemed to be the consensus from everyone I spoke to. Eight Fingers Nine comes in as a close second for me. However both mazes are long and super dense with detail. I kept thinking each room towards the end was the final room.

One thing I will note is since the two new mazes are both backstage, that entire area gets slammed. Might be worth it to wait until 11 or 12 if you aren't there right away or have Fright Lane. I noticed that Wax Works and Bloodline also had pretty long lines for the first couple hours. Next year will likely be worse since the other two mazes will be changed over as well.

I am going back tonight and hoping to soak it in a little more. Very excited to see how things shake out next week once some of those opening jitters are worked out.

I saw someone blogging had a like strap bag around their shoulder...if they are clear are bags you can wear allowed into the event or is this for media only?
Quick thoughts after night 1 at my favorite place on earth-

Widows and Eight Fingers Nine both seemed to be having lighting / technical delays the first hour, along with remembering that guests can be more annoying here than at HHN Orlando, I was worried the night wouldn't turn around.

But thankfully I was wrong.

Normally the new haunts never take the top spot for me the first year- and that's still the case this year. I think I agree Widows > Eight Fingers Nine, but my one big qualm with Widows is repurposing a major scene from a previous haunt. It works, but it also just feels so weird, and not in a "clever callback" way. Overall though, 2 solid haunts with plenty of "oh wow" moments in each, even after multiple good runs. I'd still say since 2017 the only "meh-or-worse" haunts have been Room 13, Bloodlines, Pumpkin Eater, and Red Barn.

And speaking of Room 13, this one had the most potential for improvement, but it seemed to be nearly untouched from last year, sadly. Which is also my only real complaint this year, is that it doesn't seem that any returning haunts got any new scenes. Dark Entities and Depths stuff added around Chambers doesn't really count, and the quality-of-life changes aren't that significant lol.

What I will say, though, is Grimoire has finally grown on me- no, not because it has a Nightingales: Blood Prey section- but I just have an absolute blast every time and the cast is so so so much fun, I really wish everyone could experience that one at it's peak. Towards the end of the night, 3 of the "random Grimoire demon" actors decided to share a boohoole for a triple-scare right before the final cabin, and that type of improv and special interaction is what sets Knott's above HHN (both coasts).

But it was even better in Cinema Slasher- it's like all 25ish Slasher's were playing a game of tag during my final runs- multiples in each scene intentionally toying with guests, I had one that was 20 feet in front of me turn around and sprint right towards me. These actors were nuts. I honestly cannot remember the last time I yeeted out of a haunt because I was genuinely scared, and even with only one actor in the finale the amount of *potential* scares from all the dummies just sent me into a panic. Bravo.

I need to sleep considering today was also our travel day haha, but it's another great year at KSF. Would I have been happier if each haunt got a little something new? Of course- but when you've got scareactors as good as this bunch, it's easy to forgive.

I've still got 2 more nights next week to accomplish everything else, and hopefully more haunt runs as good as these. If I could get an Insidious run at HHN Orlando with the cast from Knott's, lord those would be my last moments alive on earth.
I went the first 3 nights. I thought the two new mazes were wonderfully immersive. Though I could see on Eight Fingers, there was a bungee placement that wasn't happening (I heard insurance, feel free to correct if not the case).

The rest of the mazes seemed unchanged, still great fun, but Knott's should do a bit better. Wax Works seemed a bit better this year, I don't know if it was subtle changes to lighting, but it kind of hit different. Bloodline has some great set pieces, and the maze talent were giving it their all. And on that note, all the scare actors were legendary and should be highly commended for the great job they're doing.

Hanging was OK, mildly amusing. Wagon Camp is way too small now for the crowds coming, not sure what options they have their options are. I don't know if the big Theatre is suitable for a show with a lot of stunts. Elvira was mostly just a place to have a pit-stop and some interesting props from her career to have a look-see. Though not having a live show there seems like a bit of a cop-out.

I enjoyed haunt as usual, but Knott's could do with changing 3-4 mazes rather than 2, but I get it from a corporate level - less expenditure equals greater profit, assuming of course the same amount or more people show up and/or prices increase.

In 2022, om opening night, they had Boysenberry mouse cake at Mrs Knott's, why oh why has this not come back, it was amazing lol (can't even buy it). Booffet seemed about the same as last year.
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Though I could see on Eight Fingers, there was a bungee placement that wasn't happening (I heard insurance, feel free to correct if not the case).
Most likely didn't have someone to fill the role, maybe on break? or there's a safety issue of some kind.

The rest of the mazes seemed unchanged, still great fun, but Knott's should do a bit better
Chilling Chambers got the 50th references removed. And 2 tombstones added.

And they used to do better with enhancing the returning lineup years ago, not so much now. The CarnEvil SZ FINALLY got scenic details last year & it's been around for years. They rely too much on their legacy rather putting in the same effort they used to.

Wagon Camp is way too small now for the crowds coming, not sure what options they have their options are. I don't know if the big Theatre is suitable for a show with a lot of stunts.
Wagon Camp isn't too small, it's just the Cirque show took over the mine stage. It's just a bad location being right at the park entrance.

And yes. They could do a stunt show inside Walter Knott Theatre, but they'd probably need to renovate it because it's most likely not "up to code". Bill & Ted used to be in the former Wild West Theatre before taking up residence inside the former Castle Theatre. The Hanging would just have to adapt/evolve to a new location.

Elvira was mostly just a place to have a pit-stop and some interesting props from her career to have a look-see. Though noy have a live show there seems like a bit of a cop-out.
It's because Cassandra Peterson has retired Elvira & this was the best Knott's could do to utilize her character within the event. Rather than a live show which would require paying more talent, they did this. So yes, it is a cop-out due to being cheap.

I enjoyed haunt as usual, but Knott's could do with changing 3-4 mazes rather than 2
Changing more than 1 or 2 isn't the issue. It's the neglect of the already existing line up for both maze & SZ. And the glaring lack of SZ in Fiesta Village post-renovation. Also The GAUNTLET in Camp Snoopy is crap.