I would like to start off by apologizing. ScoPace is the same med in pill form. It was taken of the market a few years back due to lake of demand. I have used it as it is less expensive but did not work nearly as good as the patch does. Scopolamine also known as Transderm Scop or Transderm SC is the correct name.
Yes and no. I can ride DM and Spidey with no issues. FJ, Simpsons and Wild Artic are no good at all. Personally I would rather ride coasters than simulators. I'll try them again someday but I need to catch up with the
"real" rides first.
People that follow me on Twitter knew I was there yesterday. In fact, I met up with maxairmike. You could always PM me when you know you are going to either SWO or BGT as I am usually at one or the other on Saturdays.
Prescription only. If I remember correctly they run about $15 each in a four pack. I have tried all of the OTC meds for motion sickness and none of them helped at all. Although, they all made me very tired. The biggest side effect that I see is dry mouth. Extremely dry mouth. If you guys decide to go this route I strongly recommend bringing along some hard candy to suck on.

Yes, great ride! :thumbs: No back row yet. Had to make sure I was going to be alright first.
I plan on doing more POVs. I need to justify the GoPro somehow.
And no, you won't see me on Wild Artic again.