New Project for Dinoland? | Inside Universal Forums

New Project for Dinoland?

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Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2012
The other day I got word from a trusted source that once Avatar is open, Everest will go down for an extended rehab, possibly (finally) fixing the Yeti.

What gets exciting is that when it comes back from rehab, the whole carnival themed area is going away for good with "something new" replacing it. The current idea is that it will be a South American themed area (appealing to the growing SA market) with a retheme of Dinosaur to either become something Indy-like (or Indy if the new movie is set in South America).

Now of course I have no confirmation on any of this being fact, but this came from someone who generally is tuned into what is happening at Disney. And, plans are always subject to change even if this is all in the works...
The other day I got word from a trusted source that once Avatar is open, Everest will go down for an extended rehab, possibly (finally) fixing the Yeti.

What gets exciting is that when it comes back from rehab, the whole carnival themed area is going away for good with "something new" replacing it. The current idea is that it will be a South American themed area (appealing to the growing SA market) with a retheme of Dinosaur to either become something Indy-like (or Indy if the new movie is set in South America).

Now of course I have no confirmation on any of this being fact, but this came from someone who generally is tuned into what is happening at Disney. And, plans are always subject to change even if this is all in the works...

I dunno... after Avatar and all the new nighttime additions to AK, I don't really seem them doing anything else major like that to the park for a while. And if it truly is the plan, shame on you Disney... Yes the Dinosaur area isn't perfect, but its far from the most urgent area in need of attention at the resort... Epcot and TomorrowLand I'm looking at you!
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If this is the plan my guess is that when they say after, they mean a year after. I can't imagine taking down an attraction when Avatar is going to bring major crowds into the park. So you figure a refurb takes a year, that brings us at 2 years from now. My guess is they wouldn't start for another year after that with Dino. So that brings us to 2020. Which is when DHS is close if not finished. So then they could maybe address dino and Epcot at the same time.

If this rumor is even in their thoughts I am impressed. It means they don't plan on resting and doing nothing like they did before. They actually WANT to improve all their parks to make them top notch. Now will they do this? Doubt it, they have more pressing needs. But like I said, if they are even talking about this, it is a good sign. But I won't believe any of it until I see more, because this is very un-Disney like. The only reason I slightly believe this is I do know Disney has wanted to fix the Yeti. I heard from someone who has a high up exec friend that she was headed out of town to CA because they wanted to talk about fixing Yeti. This was years ago, but it tells me they have never stopped wanting to fix it.
If this rumor is even in their thoughts I am impressed. It means they don't plan on resting and doing nothing like they did before. They actually WANT to improve all their parks to make them top notch.

Not sure I 100% agree with that assessment. I mean, Disney is basically in the process of building DHS's version of AK's Dinosaur area, a cheap addition (at least in look based on everything we have seen) that's already getting cut back, that's going in for the sake of capacity .*Hi Toy Story Land!*

So if they truly had learned and wanted that improvement, we would see it mirrored in Toy Story Land.

Further more, after the financial disasters that are Shanghai and Avatar, and with so much going into SWL on both coasts as well as the recently announced additions to DisneySea, I see Disney scaling back on big 'land' additions and renovations in favor of single attractions and smaller area refurbs... Unless they truly feel they need to spend the money to keep up with full speed freight train that is Universal/Comcast at the moment.
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To expand on my point above, if Disney really is looking to replace the Dinoland area, I think the most likely culprit it the lack of success with Disney owned dinosaur properties. Dinosaurs did subpar at best when released and isn't really considered a classic, and then The Good Dinosaur last year became Pixars first box office flub. Conversely, Universal proved with Jurassic World last year that their own dinosaur property is vastly popular and people equate the property, and in turn dinosaurs, with the Universal parks.

So yeah, that my opinion on the matter. If it's true, it has nothing to do with Disney wanting to improve the quality of the area and has everything to do with the theme of the area that many first time guest are more likely to associate with Universal due to IP successes and failures on both sides.

Or maybe I'm just reading WAY to much into it! LOL
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Not sure I 100% agree with that assessment. I mean, Disney is basically in the process of building DHS's version of AK's Dinosaur area, a cheap addition (at least in look based on everything we have seen) that's already getting cut back, that's going in for the sake of capacity .*Hi Toy Story Land!*

So if they truly had learned and wanted that improvement, we would see it mirrored in Toy Story Land.

Further more, after the financial disasters that are Shanghai and Avatar, and with so much going into SWL on both coasts as well as the recently announced additions to DisneySea, I see Disney scaling back on big 'land' additions and renovations in favor of single attractions and smaller area refurbs... Unless they truly feel they need to spend the money to keep up with full speed freight train that is Universal/Comcast at the moment.

DisneySea is unrelated though, Disney doesn't own those parks.
DisneySea is unrelated though, Disney doesn't own those parks.

Does little to change my point thought. Avatar, Shanghai, 2 SWL's, Toy Story Land and the financial impact still being felt from MM+... its no secret that the parks are having budget and financial issues. I mean, they are making cuts that are negatively effecting castmembers, and with at least one of the countless upcoming 'upcharge' events looking like its all but dead in the water, that's not likely to change
The other day I got word from a trusted source that once Avatar is open, Everest will go down for an extended rehab, possibly (finally) fixing the Yeti.

What gets exciting is that when it comes back from rehab, the whole carnival themed area is going away for good with "something new" replacing it. The current idea is that it will be a South American themed area (appealing to the growing SA market) with a retheme of Dinosaur to either become something Indy-like (or Indy if the new movie is set in South America).

Now of course I have no confirmation on any of this being fact, but this came from someone who generally is tuned into what is happening at Disney. And, plans are always subject to change even if this is all in the works...
This seems waaaay too good to be true and fanservicey, no offense.
I just can't buy the possibility of the entire DinoLand area getting a re-theme. Kids (and, hell, adults) love dinosaurs (regardless of THE GOOD DINOSAUR's box office performance, which had more to do - I think - with it looking more like a generic Dreamworks offering than a prestige Pixar effort), and dinosaurs are the only representative of extinct animal life in the park.

Frankly, even with the subpar Dino-Rama, I'd be very disappointed if the entire area got re-themed. But then again, I'm one of the few people (it seems) who really loves the Dinosaur ride, so maybe I'm just biased.
I know, I'm skeptical about it happening too. I would guess a lot of future plans will depend on the quagmire of Shanghai and how it performs, the Brazillian economy rebounding, the global economy and even what Universal plans and announces and what Disney feels they need to do to counter it.

Once again, this was from someone who has a good track record of knowing what's in the works there, and a lot of the pieces just seem to "fit". They'll want to leverage Indy any way they can and do it quickly since they've been receiving a lot of criticism about the time it's taking to leverage Star Wars (the criticism is coming from investors).

With the news that they are repurposing one attraction now (Maelstrom), possibly a second with ToT, wouldn't a third (or more) make sense? I would even guess they are under orders to look for other ways to cheaply and quickly redo attractions to leverage their IPs.
Man, I'd be really, really bummed if Animal Kingdom lost its Dinosaur element. We're already losing enough of the park's focus as-is by putting Avatar in, this would be another step in the wrong direction.

Get rid of Dinorama, for sure. Don't get rid of the dinosaurs

I think Pandora will fit in just fine in the park, and be a net positive, but setting that aside, I agree. Dinosaurs are important, they capture the imagination of just about everybody, and they deserve to have a permanent showcase in Animal Kingdom.

Once again, this was from someone who has a good track record of knowing what's in the works there, and a lot of the pieces just seem to "fit". They'll want to leverage Indy any way they can and do it quickly since they've been receiving a lot of criticism about the time it's taking to leverage Star Wars (the criticism is coming from investors).

With the news that they are repurposing one attraction now (Maelstrom), possibly a second with ToT, wouldn't a third (or more) make sense? I would even guess they are under orders to look for other ways to cheaply and quickly redo attractions to leverage their IPs.

I don't doubt at all that you've heard this from somebody, but if there's any merit to it, it speaks to shortsightedness on Disney's part. If they want to get Indiana Jones "leveraged," I'm 100% all for it... just do it in Hollywood Studios or Adventureland. You know, where it actually makes sense.
I think Pandora will fit in just fine in the park, and be a net positive, but setting that aside, I agree. Dinosaurs are important, they capture the imagination of just about everybody, and they deserve to have a permanent showcase in Animal Kingdom.

I'm of two minds when it comes to Avatar fitting.

1) If it focuses on conservation, it could be a slant fit.


2) There's so much of Earth's beauty that should be showcased above Jimmy Cameron's sex kitten planet. Our world needs all the help it can get, and the more we show off the things that need that help, the better
I'm of two minds when it comes to Avatar fitting.

1) If it focuses on conservation, it could be a slant fit.


2) There's so much of Earth's beauty that should be showcased above Jimmy Cameron's sex kitten planet. Our world needs all the help it can get, and the more we show off the things that need that help, the better

I don't disagree, necessarily, but there's still land available in that park to deliver experiences/lands of the sort you're talking about. Whether or not Disney will ever get around to that is another question entirely, but I don't blame them for taking a gamble on what will assuredly be a visually stunning land for the park.
I don't disagree, necessarily, but there's still land available in that park to deliver experiences/lands of the sort you're talking about. Whether or not Disney will ever get around to that is another question entirely, but I don't blame them for taking a gamble on what will assuredly be a visually stunning land for the park.

Eh. I blame them for spending way too much on a land that doesn't fit and based on a property that doesn't have much public love.
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