(P515) Potential Hotel for USH | Page 4 | Inside Universal Forums

(P515) Potential Hotel for USH

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Look I get some of you guys rather USH go crazy and build all these new attractions versus a new hotel. If they decide to start investing like that then demand for the park would skyrocket.

Why not build this now before other major projects get started ?
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If it was Cinema Lot, I don’t think they’d be building the HHN houses as they are now, and I could’ve sworn a portion of the earmarked ET expansion for BoH purposes. Have to think it’s the Globe, unless we somehow have it beginning work for Fum Lungs.

Wouldn't be the first time Universal destroys an HHN house for a theme park project lol
I wonder what an estimated timeline for this would be? It could give an indication on when to expect other theme park projects (unless it opens in 2025 with the Fast and Furious coaster).
Look I get some of you guys rather USH go crazy and build all these new attractions versus a new hotel. If they decide to start investing like that then demand for the park would skyrocket.

Why not build this now before other major projects get started ?

I actually just want them to figure and smooth out SNW before building anything else in-park wise. It’s really starting to show more apparently that it’s still very much in beta and a bit rough from the bands/app reliability, land condition, and ride maintenance. I could see why some people are underwhelmed and I think bad show with your marquee thing doesn’t help WoM.

Tbh the bands/app reliability and ride game control/goggle conditions were better kept in technical rehearsals/first month. I get it’s been busy but coming on multiple months where it’s a gamble if the ride reads the 40 dollar band, the wheel or buttons work, or the visuals aren’t cross eyed is kinda bad. Not to mention bowser jr wasn’t even working with the band for weeks (and a lot of the stamps still don’t work or stopped working).
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I actually just want them to figure and smooth out SNW before building anything else in-park wise. It’s really starting to show more apparently that it’s still very much in beta and a bit rough from the bands/app reliability, land condition, and ride maintenance. I could see why some people are underwhelmed and I think bad show with your marquee thing doesn’t help WoM.
Who's to say they can't do all three? I doubt they're just going to leave SNW as it is while they cross-work on F&F and the Hotel if Jurassic World is any indication; and that time can show the eventual results of fixing mistakes. Atleast that's what I am thinking in regards to that matter.

Speaking of timelines, one has to wonder who is exactly involved on this Hotel project outside of the usual suspect of Loews. If they're gonna shoot for 2025, maybe they are gonna get Finfrock onboard for the sake of getting the hotel tower up as fast as they can?
Who's to say they can't do all three? I doubt they're just going to leave SNW as it is while they cross-work on F&F and the Hotel if Jurassic World is any indication; and that time can show the eventual results of fixing mistakes. Atleast that's what I am thinking in regards to that matter.

Speaking of timelines, one has to wonder who is exactly involved on this Hotel project outside of the usual suspect of Loews. If they're gonna shoot for 2025, maybe they are gonna get Finfrock onboard for the sake of getting the hotel tower up as fast as they can?

I was just responding to allegedly being only into new tons of new rides and nothing else. Wasn’t saying they couldn’t multi-task, just saying I think it’s important they get the marquee thing right as a priority and would like to see that.

Beat me to it....

But my god I've never seen a more textbook example of "This isn't something I'd use so it's dumb".

Not to say this doesn’t have some use down the line but let’s be real it’s gonna be super expensive, most people won’t be using it lol
Yeesh, had a lot more to say about this than I thought I did. I just... I don't understand this sentiment, this open hostility towards the hotel. The Universal Hilton has been trying to expand since 2017, pretty much immediately after Potter opened. Clearly, they saw that there would be rising demand and they wanted to be able to meet the future need for hotel capacity. Universal capitalizing on that growing need by building a hotel of their own, so they can profit directly from the attendance that they clearly want to grow, really doesn't seem like a bad idea.

But let's look at some numbers. According to AECOM and the Themed Entertainment Association, they estimated USH's attendance to be over nine million people in both 2018 and 2019 (i.e. post-Potter, but pre-Nintendo). How many of those do you think are locals? A third? 50%? If we were exceedingly generous and said that a whopping 75% of the park visitors in 2019 were one-day locals who would not need a hotel room, that still leaves more then two million people who need a hotel room to visit the park even for a single day, whether they're traveling from upstate, out of state, or internationally. The Hilton and the Sheraton have about 950 rooms between them. Even if every single one of those rooms had four people in it every single night for the entire year, that would still only serve about 60% of, again, that exceedingly low estimate of hotel demand for USH. To say that a new hotel won't be used is just patently incorrect. Right now, the only way to experience SNW is to either come to USH or to fly to Japan. Not arguing about which one is better, but those are literally the only two options. Do you really think that people won't come to Los Angeles specifically to go to SNW?

And, also, I feel like people are acting as if this hotel is gonna open next week. There may not be anything new opening in 2024, but who says that the hotel will open in 2024? Or 2025, even? It'll take years to clear out whatever is currently on the site of the hotel, then build it, then furnish it, then staff it, then open it. The rest of the park will continue to progress and grow and, yes, they'll iron out as many of the kinks with SNW as they possibly can. Barring another global catastrophe, I have no doubt that the hotel demand will be even higher by the time they start taking reservations for it, especially if there's, say, oh, I don't know, a sudden influx of international tourists into Los Angeles five years from now. Why wait? Why miss out on that window, on that money by delaying the construction of the hotel? If you think that it'll be a few years before the demand will be there for a hotel, then they really should start building it now so that it can be ready when that demand comes. Whatever happened to "If you build it, they will come?"

Also, also, more than one thing can be under construction at the same time! The construction of Pets and SNW overlapped heavily and, nobody was reacted by saying "Well, they really ought to get the Pets Virtual Queue working more consistently before they start doing something like SNW!" What a wild idea to think that, just because they're building a hotel on the other side of the property, they're not, at the same time, also trying to resolve the technical issues they've been having with MK and the Power-Up Bands. Those are the responsibility of entirely different teams. All of the speculated locations that I've seen so far (regardless of how plasible I think those speculations are) are far enough away from the actual park to pretty much make them useless for future theme park expansion anyway, so it's not like it's taking up a spot that could go to another ride or land or whatever.

To make a long essay short, USH is going to need more hotel capacity as the park continues to grow and, even if you think it's not there now, waiting to begin construction until that demand is there is a bad idea because it'll put them behind the ball. Just because they're building a hotel doesn't mean that they aren't doing other things and, as some people have pointed out, it's a good sign that they fully intend to continue to expand what the park has to offer to make a hotel stay even more valuable. This should be exciting!
Yeesh, had a lot more to say about this than I thought I did. I just... I don't understand this sentiment, this open hostility towards the hotel. The Universal Hilton has been trying to expand since 2017, pretty much immediately after Potter opened. Clearly, they saw that there would be rising demand and they wanted to be able to meet the future need for hotel capacity. Universal capitalizing on that growing need by building a hotel of their own, so they can profit directly from the attendance that they clearly want to grow, really doesn't seem like a bad idea.

But let's look at some numbers. According to AECOM and the Themed Entertainment Association, they estimated USH's attendance to be over nine million people in both 2018 and 2019 (i.e. post-Potter, but pre-Nintendo). How many of those do you think are locals? A third? 50%? If we were exceedingly generous and said that a whopping 75% of the park visitors in 2019 were one-day locals who would not need a hotel room, that still leaves more then two million people who need a hotel room to visit the park even for a single day, whether they're traveling from upstate, out of state, or internationally. The Hilton and the Sheraton have about 950 rooms between them. Even if every single one of those rooms had four people in it every single night for the entire year, that would still only serve about 60% of, again, that exceedingly low estimate of hotel demand for USH. To say that a new hotel won't be used is just patently incorrect. Right now, the only way to experience SNW is to either come to USH or to fly to Japan. Not arguing about which one is better, but those are literally the only two options. Do you really think that people won't come to Los Angeles specifically to go to SNW?

And, also, I feel like people are acting as if this hotel is gonna open next week. There may not be anything new opening in 2024, but who says that the hotel will open in 2024? Or 2025, even? It'll take years to clear out whatever is currently on the site of the hotel, then build it, then furnish it, then staff it, then open it. The rest of the park will continue to progress and grow and, yes, they'll iron out as many of the kinks with SNW as they possibly can. Barring another global catastrophe, I have no doubt that the hotel demand will be even higher by the time they start taking reservations for it, especially if there's, say, oh, I don't know, a sudden influx of international tourists into Los Angeles five years from now. Why wait? Why miss out on that window, on that money by delaying the construction of the hotel? If you think that it'll be a few years before the demand will be there for a hotel, then they really should start building it now so that it can be ready when that demand comes. Whatever happened to "If you build it, they will come?"

Also, also, more than one thing can be under construction at the same time! The construction of Pets and SNW overlapped heavily and, nobody was reacted by saying "Well, they really ought to get the Pets Virtual Queue working more consistently before they start doing something like SNW!" What a wild idea to think that, just because they're building a hotel on the other side of the property, they're not, at the same time, also trying to resolve the technical issues they've been having with MK and the Power-Up Bands. Those are the responsibility of entirely different teams. All of the speculated locations that I've seen so far (regardless of how plasible I think those speculations are) are far enough away from the actual park to pretty much make them useless for future theme park expansion anyway, so it's not like it's taking up a spot that could go to another ride or land or whatever.

To make a long essay short, USH is going to need more hotel capacity as the park continues to grow and, even if you think it's not there now, waiting to begin construction until that demand is there is a bad idea because it'll put them behind the ball. Just because they're building a hotel doesn't mean that they aren't doing other things and, as some people have pointed out, it's a good sign that they fully intend to continue to expand what the park has to offer to make a hotel stay even more valuable. This should be exciting!

Very very aware this isn't opening next week... again there isn't a shortage of hotels in the area and there won't be in the future. People are acting like the current area hotels aren't there or are being booked to the brim which they are not even with the sold out park right now (although the sell outs are at lower capacity than usual). Also one little kink in your theory, Epic will have SNW by the time this opens. This park will need more unique compelling reasons to visit to keep hockey stick growth from people traveling from far like they are now for SNW. In terms of the Olympics, international guests coming aren't gonna bank their whole trip staying at the expensive Universal hotel the whole time, it just doesn't make much sense.

Like its great Universal wants their cut of the on property pie, but besides not having express, you can get a comparable on site universal hotel experience today by buying early entry and staying at the hilton or sheraton (not to mention these rooms are easily bookable any day of the week). There's nothing really groundbreaking or "YES FINALLY" about this besides just a brand stamp. If this was some sort of more value option than yeah this is a pretty big difference maker. The hilton/sheraton walk is super close to as it is, I do that walk up the hill all the time from even farther.

Also to reiterate, I'm not saying building this will stop other growth or fixing of SNW, I'm not stupid. I was merely saying I'm not just new ride/addition hungry over here. I'm not in the camp of "expand more SNW NOW" while the current version needs to be refined.

I didn't expect being meh about this news to spawn into some huge debate lol I think this will do fine but I don't think it's gonna be this huge runaway success like other theme park resort hotels as its more than likely to be an expensive hotel and there's not really a Disneyland-esque cult behind the Universal brand.
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Building a hotel is not going to prevent potential new rides from being built. If anything it will help the park to build more. Simple as that.

Just because I live pretty close to the park and won’t need this doesn’t mean that the out-of-towners can’t benefit from it! This will be greatly beneficial during peak season and HHN for those who live in Vegas, AZ, NorCal, or even San Diego! Think of how many people will greatly appreciate being able to just walk several yards to the hotel after a long night at HHN. I know I appreciate the hotels after a long day of being in the parks and being at HHN over in Florida!
Building a hotel is not going to prevent potential new rides from being built. If anything it will help the park to build more. Simple as that.

Who is saying this? Cause I'm not.

Think of how many people will greatly appreciate being able to just walk several yards to the hotel after a long night at HHN.

You can pretty much do this today though for a similar or lesser price than what that hotel will probably be. That pedestrian bridge and Hilton are right there next to the entrance. The globe hotel would be closer and nicer, but its really really not a far walk today. It takes longer to get to lower lot from upper than it takes to get from the entrance to the Hilton.
This is USH making the jump from "Regional Park" to "Destination Resort". They will be able to help fill rooms with AP discounts and perks.

What activities does CityWalk have other than movies?
Activities for CityWalk is something USH really needs to improve upon. And hopefully with a hotel comes expanded CityWalk hours. No more of the 8 or 9pm closing time.
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Who is saying this? Cause I'm not.

You can pretty much do this today though for a similar or lesser price than what that hotel will probably be. That pedestrian bridge and Hilton are right there next to the entrance. The globe hotel would be closer and nicer, but its really really not a far walk today. It takes longer to get to lower lot from upper than it takes to get from the entrance to the Hilton.

I'm sorry but I really can't wrap my head against the pushback of this...

None of your points make any business sense...
Sure, but I do wonder if that return will be some huge impactful whale, but yes it'll at least be something once the costs of building this are out of the way. And in the case of WDW and UOR, they do sell those rooms besides the super expensive ones so I'd say yeah people are buying those for sure and the supply is warranted.

I'm also in the thought that this is a movie studio first. The idea that USH can be some resort like even Disneyland is kinda silly to me. I think it can be Legoland-esque (in the way that has a hotel and a park) at best.
I get you want to see more money put into the actual park, but Disneyhead says it extremely well below. If people are willing to pay to stay at the nearby Universal Hilton, there’s a market for an on-site hotel with hotel perks, possibly a character breakfast, etc. Things you can only get at a proper Universal hotel.

If you truly want to see USH grow, then hotels being added and it turning into more of a small resort is a positive sign. The park additions/replacements will be there. Universal has shown in Orlando that they can throw hotels up pretty quickly anyway.

People are already staying at The Hilton to go to USH, so why keep giving all that money to Hilton?
Exactly this.
This is USH making the jump from "Regional Park" to "Destination Resort". They will be able to help fill rooms with AP discounts and perks.

What activities does CityWalk have other than movies?
There's also the VIP tours for the backlot, as such.
A hotel for USH has been long overdue. I'm not even a guy who likes to stay on-site (or, more accurately, pay for the privilege), but I can recognize that it's not really "for me." It's for the people who want to splurge.
Universal Hollywood used to get a ton of foreign tourists before the pandemic, especially from Asia. This hotel will come in handy for them.