As I said previously I wasn't necessarily referring to just shops, but permanent interactive activities like we see with Olivanders as well. Remember the idea is the na'vi are showing us this new world and hypothetically if I were a Na'vi I would want humans to experience a range of smaller activities as well as your Banshee flight lessons. I suppose I am saying the execution of Potter was superior to what we are currently seeing with Avatar. Once again, I think we really need to wait to see what pop-up activities come to the area as right now from what we have seen there really doesn't seem all that much to really explore and look around which is really going to be the case for any new development, as I am of the believe that any IP (or at least most) can be executed well if it is done effectively to the story, which is something I am worried about with Pandora but we will see how it finally comes together.
Really, I suggest that we allow people to make their comparisons and not act as though they're opinions are any less valid because the areas aren't being used for the same purpose for the park itself and move on from this!
I must admit initially I wasn't too bothered by this but more recently, and especially with the new commercials, I am getting quite excited to see whats inside the River Journey's building...