This might be bold, but anyone who is against this project has unrealistic expectations for its goals. No, this will not be an E-ticket. No, this will not be a food/bev/merch machine. This probably won't even get much of an ad campaign.
Synergy, synergy, synergy. It will show off Jimmy's talents and likability to unbeknownst park-goers; it will be a fun, shiny new thing to replace an old, dilapidated thing in the park; it will get Jimmy to do his show at Universal hopefully annually, drawing crowds to the parks while advertising to those not at the parks.
It's a business move, but that doesn't mean that it will be poor of quality. It will spruce up the New York area and provide a family-friendly thrill, on the level of a Soarin' or Toy Story Mania, which Universal desperately needs. It's win-win-win all around.