Thanks, Skip! This is very telling, if indeed we're looking forward to new stuff throughout the entire area marked :thumbs:
To me this looks like groundwork, in the literal and idiomatic way. It does not touch the KidZone or old Hard Rock Cafe areas, as the project's area outline stops just shy of these. But what it
does cover is
two other key areas: the TM parking lot and the plot between MiB and Simpsons.
As HTF is hinting, this seems to be the beginning two projects (or at least more than one). I am guessing these would be the TM parking structure in the existing parking lot, and the other being whatever attraction or land they have in mind for the plot East of MiB. The former is great news, but I'm really intrigued and excited about the latter.
Observing the most North Eastern area depicted in the rendering is particularly interesting... (And revealing?) First, it looks like there would still be some backstage area right above Simpsons. The parade building, the tents (if shifted just a bit), and additional backstage area seem safely in place for now.
Then, another important thing to note is how the project's area covers the whole MiB building and some additional land South East of it. While I don't think we're losing MiB, to me this looks like work will be done all in this area to create the transition space that would lead to the new attraction / land.
Overall, very interesting to examine this plan, and it raises lots of questions and possibilities for what could come and how it will all fit. Thanks again, Skip!
Oh, and by the way, if we're going by the area marked in this plan, we can (as expected) nix the possibility of any attraction in the TM parking lot area. Unlike the plot by MiB, where there's a path leading to it, the TM parking lot remains locked in by backstage area. At least for now... Although it would seem rather awkward to have anything back there, anyways.