Good lord that was ridiculously uncalled for. I'm sorry I spelled your name wrong? You appear to have the reading comprehension problem and if I do then so do many others since I'm not the only one puzzled by the sudden "you must add insight in order to post a review" rule that has randomly been applied. People post twitter reviews with no insight all the time. It's what happens on every forum I visit. I explained that. I didn't know you guys have arbitrary rules that you apply to random people. You also completely ignored all the insight I DID give. There was literally one post where I only posted twitter reviews and TWO posts where I did. Not that any insight is necessary when the insight is being created by the discussion.
Again. All we said was stop posting more Twitter reviews unless it adds to the discussion. If you're going to keep doing it - at least expound on a point you are trying to make. You may think it was OK, but others didn't need to see it over and over. You may not have liked the answer - but it wasn't completely unreasonable.
I was NOT posting twitter reviews that aligned with my point of view. I was posting them in real time. What I was posting was what was coming in. Go back and look at the opening announcement. There were no positive comments so none were posted. There was zero picking and choosing. You are literally making poop up at this point. 100% making stuff up.
There were several more that happened after the whole shebang went down. Yes, there were more negative than positive - but it definitely wasn't "none".
People post things all the time from social media and don't give full analysis. That's what the forum is for. Members will discuss it. What do you want from me? A dissertation every time a review is posted?
Now I will admit, after looking back, we were being a bit more on the cautionary side - because we knew the crapstorm it was going to bring. Maybe we called it early? Either way - I don't think our decision was entirely out of line. You continued to post in the thread and we left you alone.
You're blatantly picking posts from my history now and misunderstanding them and lying about intention at this point too. Great job there by the way. Real professional. Would you like to add the posts in question? I never said the sky was falling because it was Spring and the ride hadn't opened. I never "ripped Universal over the JP coaster rumor?" I'm excited about that damn coaster. I want it to be built. I thought it was odd that the rumor is they would build another coaster right next to another new on in lands neighboring each other.
Now this is where most of my time had gone into posting...
Re: The Potter Coaster over an baseless, and old rumor.
And in typical Universal fashion... they've decided to build ANOTHER mine train-type ride immediately after this opens, in the same park, in a neighboring land. Oh Universal... such odd choices you've been making lately.
When someone asked - "So you are converting rumor to the next thing coming? Why?" - which went unanswered. Nothing in that statement dealt in maybe, and definitely did not sound like an opinion.
And excuse me - it wasn't sky is falling because of the opening date. You questioned what was the opening date, but were sky is falling over the silence of announcements.
It was earlier in the F&F thread where you even say "A lot of people will call this out as being doom and gloom"
A lot of people responded saying "it's nothing new".
You did however post this on April 4:
At some point they're going to have to change "Spring 2018" to something else. It IS Spring 2018 and we don't have a date for opening. Assuming TM previews and the usual several weeks of soft-opening, how exactly does this open by Spring? Maybe the last day of Spring on June 20th? As a reminder, Jimmy Fallon was open to guests for a soft opening on March 6th before opening officially in April. We're running out of days here.
2 weeks after Spring started...
In essence, at least in the past month, a lot of your posts have been reactionary. You even joked one time when someone replied to you about your reactionary posts - "lol. I guess my posts are coming off more dramatic than I mean for them to."
Guess what!? Lots of people thought the same thing. Guess what? Check out my post to like ratio. You appear to have some sort of issue with me but you and JungleSkip appear to be the only one. The fact that JungleSkip hasn't been banned 50 times over is beyond me given the insane stuff he says around here. Much like yourself, it borders on absolute delusion. I'm sad you've decided to attack me for defending myself but there you have it. Hope you're pleased with yourself.
I really don't have a problem with you. I've been handling forum users as an Admin for 10 years, and before that had 6 years on IOAC. I know what to look for to avoid issues - which is what I was trying to do. Ultimately, it led to more issues. Skip, I can agree can come across arrogant - but it is not breaking rules. I think anyone can tell you that we've had a lot of people that have done worse than Skip and managed to still post for a bit, until they finally broke a rule.
Now I will apologize for how my initial post came across and being rude in some regard - but I was definitely not delusional.