Dumb just Dumb! Let it go people FandF exists and isn’t going anywhere so just dumb. FFL is an outdated IP that that is barely open half the year and people have been crying for it to go for half a decade so for the love of god it needs to go.
F&F may not be a perfect attraction or even a better one but it is new and filled a gap. Also it still at least works and can be improved. Don’t use the argument of it(FFL)can used be used for another show when they already have HMUS, Animal Actors(more than likely staying as it should) and the new Bourne show coming. That is 3 major shows in the park after FFL would close not to mention all the street shows and parades. I would say the park still has more than enough live entertainment, look at IofA if you think it’s not enough.
Plus just let the hate go for F&F while you may believe it, fine but everytime there is an argument brought in for a closure of any ride or area it’s annoying to hear well what about closing “F&F instead haha”, “it’s just terrible lol”, “why would they ever build this, it’s so bad, close this instead”. We get it you don’t like it and even when someone does actually enjoy it you dissect their reasons and decide that it can’t be correct and their reasoning is complete fallacy because you don’t agree, my god you act like it somehow cheated on you with your brother. The only positive I have heard about FFL for ages was that it is not the most hated show(Sindbad) or the lowest attended show(Barney), and I wouldn’t call that a positive more well it’s not the worse thing ever just close to it. F&F actually has people who enjoy it and whatever there reasons at least some people do like it. So for the love of all that is HOLY let it Go!
K I’m done hope you all are having a great FOOTBALL SUNDAY, my Dolphins won so I know I am lol.