I got to ride Tidal Twister twice yesterday.
Since I have ridden Harley Quinn in SFDK (Skywarp), I did have a basis of comparison. For the record, I rode Harely Quinn at the far end, and found one loop not too bad, and the other loop awful. That may have been a reflection of my seat, but the awful loop was awful enough that I don't need to ride it again.
Obviously, my expectations were pretty low for this. And maybe because of that, I actually didn't find it terrible. Yes, it definitely has a chug from every time the tire drive hits a gap in the blades. But, at least for me, that chug did not result in head banging, so it was tolerable (I suppose YMMV). And once it gets up to full speed, it there is a decent pop of air over the top, and a very "Bayern Kurve" feel going around (which I greatly enjoyed).
Yes, the restraints are awful. Very bulky, to the point where some guests couldn't reach the redundant seat belt clip. And if you're in the seats that face each other, there's very little leg room, as the seats are very close together. It's certainly not going to break anyone's Top 10 list. But between this and the Skywarp at SFDK, I'd pick this hands down.
While coaster enthusiasts will probably not find it great, it should be noted the GP did seem to enjoy it. I've ridden worse.