Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash - Reviews, Photos, & Videos (Spoilers) | Page 3 | Inside Universal Forums

Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash - Reviews, Photos, & Videos (Spoilers)

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Pets is one of those rides where doing Express hurts the attraction. The standby queue is so well done, and Express skips a significant portion of it.

Taken a month and a half to think it over, and yeah; I can't believe how bad they screwed up Express. Feels like the only thing that genuinely bogs down what could be a flat out amazing experience regardless of what group you have.
The whole line system for pets is a mess. Especially when they don't open up the standby queue later in the day and there's no wait inside, only virtual queue times which many seem to forget about and leave the park.
I agree with many the sentiments above.

I was there two weekends ago and there were virtual queue slots available until late afternoon, which was surprising. I got a slot for 5ish, and there was almost no one one in the queue and lots of ride cars were being dispatched empty. It just seems weird to hobble a ride that seems like it would be an otherwise effective people eater. Perhaps it's still artificially selling front of the line passes so there's no reason to cut off that revenue stream.

After finally going on it, I can say it's a very fun ride, though!
Going to *buuuuummmmpp* this thread..

The space was used well, the park needed a family dark ride, yay animatronics.
*activates ride-op mindset*

HOWEVER, the queue is awful. I don't care how "cute" people think it is, it is a TERRIBLE use of the space. All of the oversized hard plastic furniture is severely unnecessary. Especially with the limited space of the building. Theme the crap out of the walls, add a custom queue video that sets up the "pet adoption" gimmick with a 30min loop (or hell, just show the films). There is so much wasted space that could've been used for switchbacks.

When dealing with such a limited amount of space, sacrificing a proper queue to have a themed walk-through to get to the ride itself was a poor decision. While the animatronics are great, they're an unnecessary maintenance addition to worry about (just like Max & Duke in the living room being MIA).

I'm just glad I didn't have to wait longer than roughly 10mins. /End queue rant

The ride is "cute", but it doesn't fully deliver.
There is A LOT going on in the ride, but it's just chaotic nonsense that isn't exactly cohesive storytelling. Kids will like it only because cute animals. The overall experience is poorly thought out. Of course, all I could think about was "MIB: Alien Attack" at Universal Orlando. There are some very similar NY scenes, just without the proper kinetic energy (or occasional spin for added thrill). They could've done better with this IP. To be fair, I'm not a fan of this loose Homeward Bound knock-off movie, but I did enjoy the sequel more.

The "box" ride vehicles are a slight misstep. But we all knew it was going to be when we got the TM Preview in SS29 during the Dec 2019 holiday season. They had one of the ride vehicles on display.

They did a great job with the screen & projection integration. The animatronics are also great. The A/C is wonderful. The overall ride itself leaves something to be desired.

Ugh... I'm offended. Clearly if I'm a dog, I should at least be a huskie! My face isn't this round either!
I didn't even get adopted! *sigh*

anyway, enjoy some Chloe the cat content
/the end
Do I dare admit, even with its shortcomings, that I think slop is still a better presentation than frog mountain?

It's definitely chaotic though, and gets pretty overwhelming at times. I figure that's why they keep you strapped down so tight
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Despite that scathing review, the pictures just make me want to ride it again.

I can't defend the limiting ride vehicle, but Hollywood is lucky to have this attraction.
The RVs are the prime culprit to SLOP's low guest scores. I do have faith Universal will learn from that if they do another omnimover type attraction in the future. (Perhaps Luigi's Mansion?)
I desperately want one at USF.
IMO the rumored Pokemon replacement for Simpsons has the potential to be that type of ride of USF. Let's just hope EU pulls enough away from USF that it will cause them to reconsider and move up the rumored opening date from 2030 to 2028 at the latest.
I'm going to keep talking about it until it I will it into existence!
Like you, I would have loved to see SLOP at Orlando. Just the type of ride that Studios could use. But, the problem with SLOP, and probably why Orlando didn't want it, is that their merchandise was a dud at Orlando, even though they actually featured it at the stores a few times when both movies were current. I would guess that merch sales are more prominent/important at Orlando than Hollywood.
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I mean for sure I wish they had vehicles like Little Mermaid and HM but I don't think it makes the ride a failure

I go weekly to this park and while in the AM the line is low after noon it starts picking up and for sure has just as good capacity as some of the other rides that get long lines. The Simpsons is not more popular it has a much lower capacity

SNW would have benefited a greatly from the Yohsi ride not only giving the land another ride and more to look at but USH needs more people eaters many of the older rides can be loaded quickly but it depends on staffing, not so much with SLOP system its not perfect but works well enough, not against them making a better system but saying the park is still better for having SLOP then not.

Also back to the's like one of the best Q's around for a dark ride....At Disneyland only Mickeys Runaway Rail road, Indy if we are counting that as a dark ride and Roger Rabbit really top this in terms of Qs for dark rides at other parks and in park MK, and Potter top it but are also both E tickets
Like you, I would have loved to see SLOP at Orlando. Just the type of ride that Studios could use. But, the problem with SLOP, and probably why Orlando didn't want it, is that their merchandise was a dud at Orlando, even though they actually featured it at the stores a few times when both movies were current. I would guess that merch sales are more prominent/important at Orlando than Hollywood.
Yeah, it doesn't have to be SLOP as a theme, specifically, but the same type of ride with the same approach.

And a different ride vehicle.