It was done well, but the fun of theme parks is that tense feeling of controlled danger and then payoff, and the update loses some of this. The payoff happens too early and cuts out too many of the scary scenes, so not only do you lose the tenseness of the OG, but the payoff isn’t as powerful because it doesn’t have enough tenseness to contrast. If I were them, I would’ve enclosed half of the load area, (from the corner with the giant book to the beginning of the cottage facade) and added a condensed version of the Paris ending. That way you keep the haunted forest, the evil queen’s demise, and getting offered the apple all with updated effects, but still get the payoff of a real ending. The projection mapping was done great, and integrated easily into the black-light sets.
This is an off-topic question, but this is probably the thread to ask it: The meet and greet that replaced the WDW version probably doesn’t consume the entire ride area, so was the entire building gutted, or are there still some old sets/props/remnants in the back corners of the building that’ve been blocked off by the meet and greet?