I think we'll have to see how the rest of the month goes before making a definitive statement on crowds. If we continue to see 2s and 3s on the Touring Plans calendar, obviously there's something going on. But if we compare Spring Break 2024 (March 2-April 6)* to Spring Break 2023 (March 10-April 15)**, there's not a tremendous difference in the
average crowd rating (6.86 last year, 6.58 this year).
But I agree with
@OrlandoGuy — if there is a legitimate slowdown, it's for the same reasons we're expecting summer to be soft (minus the weather). People have less disposable income, international travel has been a tremendous value for Americans, and the surge of attendance in 2021/22 was almost always going to see course correction.
Theme parks are a wildly expensive way to go on vacation, so it'll be interesting to see if this is a long or short-term issue for Orlando.
*I know these dates are fungible, but it's a good way to compare the same number of dates