Something I am curious about is Mummy more than anything.
It seems like it's staying for the long haul, but I am wondering what they may actually do in terms of technological upgrades. I would fantasize if that means they are finally getting the ending back to what it properly was before they changed it to strobes; but I wonder more on what they have in mind. Would it be in terms of how they handle the operations in the loading process or would it be adding new additions to the attraction to somewhat coincide with the new Mummy film coming out next year. While these are all questions I am curious to see, those questions can be brought up on the ROTM thread.
Either way, this seems to be a pure infrastructure move in terms of the Starway; as I wonder on why they would warrant the need to expand the size of the starway (I'll take a rim shot guess to Nintendo at this point). I doubt that it's DA because of space, so it should be interesting to see what happens.