Without building a second show arena... aka basically using a soundstage to build out a stage and stadium seating like Impact does, I see no way to have both with the following both shows now have. As mentioned AoV had droves of people come to the event just for their shows. B&T was the same. AoV with a street show would cause a gigantic cluster, they have become too big for it. Bill and Ted coming back could not be shafted into a street show... Animal actors can be used for a small stage show like the magic shows of the past, but the actual animal actors stage can not be altered, and if our tour guide was correct, pyro and other effects would bother the animals that call that building home. I saw screw it and make us all take the ungodly long walk between the studios and the show building in IOA... Put one in FFL and one in Hoffman's old stomping ground.