While I agree that they should further promote the cultural understanding aspect of the park, I don't think they should do away with the futurism at all. I still think that the technological aspect could work if they put their minds to it. People love new technology, even in incremental updates. Just look at the way people line up for the new iPhone every year, and how much press Elon Musk gets when he announces things like the solar roof tiles and Mars initiative. I think the key thing, though, is that the wonders of technology should only be secondary to and support the message of a potential positive future that could be achieved through the understanding and peaceful cooperation between nations as hinted at by World Showcase. It's actually a shame that the park couldn't be reworked so that you enter the park into World Showcase first, and then have some kind of story device as you transition into Future World that says something to the effect of, "you've just seen the world as it could be today, see what that world of peace, understanding, and hard work could lead to in the future." But, of course, this version of EPCOT would require a company that was interested in doing more than just selling Olaf plushes.