The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 536 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Thought this was interesting, droppings of the owls in the Owlery:

:whoo::whoo:3rd time was a charm and then some!! My sons, 13 and 8, and I were there by 8:30 and met a fellow OU in line(sorry forget your name) and had a great chat while waiting for opening. We made in into WWoHP and the look on my sons face was priceless! He is a huge potterhead. I got tears in my eyes seeing his face, and wondered how many flies he was going to catch in his mouth hanging Rode FJ!!!!! Was concerned about the 8 yr old, but he loved it and said he would ride again. His favorite word about it is intense! Amazing, fantastic, and soooo need to ride it again to really pick up the details. Mommy worry blurred out some of the experience.
We all went on the FotH and got some butterbear. After toasting Hogsmeade we waited for Ollivanders. My 13 yr old got chosen for the wand!!!!!! He loved it and I spent money I had not planned on. My 8 yr old proudly picked out his pygmy puff, named it and carried it around all day! Did not care it was pink at all!
To quote my boys, this was the best of days!!!
Belle I'm so glad you & your sons made it in if you have any photos or video you took today feel free to share it I'm sure I'm not the only one who would want to see it.

Teebin why are you always picked on if you want to give me a bit more insight into what happened shoot me a message I'd be interested to hear what they tried to pull
Interesting...corporate spy, or someone looking for inside info on their next job since HP is about done?

You usually don't need the documents from the previous job for the next job. If you have them in your hot little hands during an interview or even mention you have them...that is not going to help you. Actually, the perspective new employer would worry you might steal from them.

I think the people who would want their own copy just want it as a collectable not to use it for anything. I have approved pictures of the projects I worked on and several keepsake gifts given to me by my team and the companies which I cherish. Companies understand you put a lot of hard work into their projects and you want something to remember it by. One facility gave me a book of aerial shots through out the progress. I LOVED that they took the time to do this! I also received written permission to duplicate my book for my team.

My projects are nothing like theme parks or anywhere near as interesting but you would be surprised how many people try to take pictures. I am a big camera natzi where I work. If I find someone taking pictures I can take their camera or phone. I’m not a total meanie so I give them an approved copy of what they were taking pictures of, along with their camera/phone returned minus the photos.

--- Update ---

Thought this was interesting, droppings of the owls in the Owlery:

My sister and I Laughed when we saw this detail in other photos (not this close up). I said they were Really going for detail! Hey, if you ever need a spot to sit you could just tell a group of people under an owl "those owls periodically pooh every 15 minutes" and your count down is now at 14 minutes ha!

--- Update ---

:whoo::whoo:3rd time was a charm and then some!! My sons, 13 and 8, and I were there by 8:30 and met a fellow OU in line(sorry forget your name) and had a great chat while waiting for opening. We made in into WWoHP and the look on my sons face was priceless! He is a huge potterhead. I got tears in my eyes seeing his face, and wondered how many flies he was going to catch in his mouth hanging Rode FJ!!!!! Was concerned about the 8 yr old, but he loved it and said he would ride again. His favorite word about it is intense! Amazing, fantastic, and soooo need to ride it again to really pick up the details. Mommy worry blurred out some of the experience.
We all went on the FotH and got some butterbear. After toasting Hogsmeade we waited for Ollivanders. My 13 yr old got chosen for the wand!!!!!! He loved it and I spent money I had not planned on. My 8 yr old proudly picked out his pygmy puff, named it and carried it around all day! Did not care it was pink at all!
To quote my boys, this was the best of days!!!

Oh My Goodness! I am SOOO excited for you and your boys!! Congratulations on him being chosen for the wand experience!! That is AWESOME!! The pygmy puff is really pink? Are they all pink? For some reason I was thinking they were white. How big are they? The size of a tea cup or tea pot?
--- Update ---


Oh My Goodness! I am SOOO excited for you and your boys!! Congratulations on him being chosen for the wand experience!! That is AWESOME!! The pygmy puff is really pink? Are they all pink? For some reason I was thinking they were white. How big are they? The size of a tea cup or tea pot?[/QUOTE]

They are all pink. Hot pink and white actually. About the size of a 4 cup teapot I would guess. Bigger than a tea cup smaller than a big pot. He is hoping they will get more colors so he can collect them all. They do a big deal where they announce the name you pick and how your puff is going home. I so want to say that the TM's working the load area of FJ were great with Harrison(8 yr old). They could tell he was nervous and paid attention to him, even crouching down to talk to him after he was seated. Made me feel better since I could not see him after we loaded on.
They are all pink. Hot pink and white actually. About the size of a 4 cup teapot I would guess. Bigger than a tea cup smaller than a big pot. He is hoping they will get more colors so he can collect them all. They do a big deal where they announce the name you pick and how your puff is going home. I so want to say that the TM's working the load area of FJ were great with Harrison(8 yr old). They could tell he was nervous and paid attention to him, even crouching down to talk to him after he was seated. Made me feel better since I could not see him after we loaded on.

Congrats on your boys. I'm happy they had an awesome time at the WWoHP. :thumbs:
Not sure if anyone has ever covered this or anything......but I got a crazy question...... To those of you that have pics from Dumbledore's office and the DADA classroom. HOw do you guys get the pictures to show the characters and not be blurry or overly dark. Right now I am useing an Advance point and shoot camera so I have some control over ISO setting and all any thoughts and I am sure this will help others here as well....
Ended up at the times square toys r us this past weekend on the way to a play and i came across the old chocolate frogs (and some of "Drooble's chewing gum"). It's nice to see they improved them for the WWoHP!

Old one...



WWoHP frog...

HHN I am not a photo expert but from what I have seen one general recommendation for everyone don't use flash. Fight you gut instinct in the dark room of the office & classroom because it turns out better not trying to lighten up the place.

Kitfisto its crazy looking at how bad the old ones are compared to what we get now
Belle!! I enjoyed talking to you earlier in the day.It was great to run into a fellow OU'r! This was my second attempt and it ended up being amazing! To finally walk in after all the pictures and videos was just an incredible feeling. TOTALLY SURREAL. Like most people I pretty much ran to the ride. About 30 seconds into the ride it broke down :/, however it got back up and running in only a couple minutes which is great news. Overall I had breakfast at the three broomsticks rode FJ twice and The Butterbeer and Pumpkin Juice was phenomenal. After all the hype and anticipation does FJ live up to the hype? WITHOUT A DOUBT

Oh, and I'm so happy for you and your sons it sounds like you guys had a great experience. SO COOL that they payed attention to your son on FJ to help him feel better and that he got chosen! Again, it was nice to meet you, two cheers for us! :happy: :happy: :wave:
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I'm really happy for you guys Gecko, Belle and Universalhead! It's so fun to hear how people enjoyed themselves in the WWoHP! :thumbs:

I wonder what happened to the animatronic hog's head...

I'm sure they'll take the Dragon seats from their current location by the temp DD entrance to the new one in the WWoHP!
Felipe nothing major with the Hog Head its fine it should be back up in two shakes of a broom stick prob. even today (Tues. for those not on the East Coast)
I've been out of the loop (and this thread) for a couple days. Have they done FJ softs EVERY day since last week? I will be going on Wednesday and want to know my chances of it being open.
I talked to the Bartender at The Hogs Head and he told me they took it down and are working to make it MORE DYNAMIC! I guess all the feedback on it got back to Uni! SO COOL that they are making changes like that

--- Update ---

Your chances are very good, however you'll need to be there by 8:30.
You usually don't need the documents from the previous job for the next job. If you have them in your hot little hands during an interview or even mention you have them...that is not going to help you. Actually, the perspective new employer would worry you might steal from them.

I think the people who would want their own copy just want it as a collectable not to use it for anything. I have approved pictures of the projects I worked on and several keepsake gifts given to me by my team and the companies which I cherish. Companies understand you put a lot of hard work into their projects and you want something to remember it by. One facility gave me a book of aerial shots through out the progress. I LOVED that they took the time to do this! I also received written permission to duplicate my book for my team.

My projects are nothing like theme parks or anywhere near as interesting but you would be surprised how many people try to take pictures. I am a big camera natzi where I work. If I find someone taking pictures I can take their camera or phone. I’m not a total meanie so I give them an approved copy of what they were taking pictures of, along with their camera/phone returned minus the photos.

I think you may have read too much into my question to Teebin, I wasnt even going where you did with it. But thats cool.
Teebins response answered my question.