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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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If you're wanting to see what the ride vehicles look like... those pics have been available for the past 6 years... Also, I posted an up close pic of our Hippo train when it was testing a few months ago. I'll dig it up if you really need me to. Otherwise, both rides pretty much look the same as their Orlando & Japan counterparts.
Can someone please post a pov

of Hippo Griff and Fj on the fourms just so we can see how it looks
I think there will be no chance in hell that we will ever get a POV of FJ, even if it looks like someone handles the camera like crap.

As for Hippogriff..i wonder if that's possible. It is a family coaster, so there shouldn't (who knows if i'm wrong) be a problem with recording a POV of that.
There are POV videos of FJ for Orlando, but they're not the greatest. I'm sure someone will upload one later today... Just like pics, ride videos won't exactly be much different from their other park counterparts. Give it until at least tomorrow, or monday at the latest for something pop up on youtube.

and yes, a POV of Hippo is possible and yes one will show up at some point this weekend. Hopefully daytime & nighttime (depending on park hours & if they were in line at the time the sun went down)
BRAVO Universal once again!  I am very honored to be one of the first people to step inside the West Coast Wizarding World.

I and my friends loved my Harry Potter experience overall.  We skipped the Hippogriff, which I may do when I go back next time.  But having not seen the Florida WWOHP and waiting two and a half years for this to open (well, maybe 5 years), I loved the Forbidden Journey ride.  Like you guys, I was hoping the 3D glasses would be actual Quidditch Goggles vs regular 3D glasses, but I was quite impressed with the 3D.  The floo network really felt like we were going through a floo network.  And I personally loved the Forbidden Forest scene with the Whomping Willow and Dragon.  

After FJ, we went to Hog's Head, and not only loved the taste of the Butterbeer, but also the animatronic Hog's Head.  We then did the Ollivander's show, which was fun to watch with all the special effects, but only one little girl got to do it.  I then bought an interactive wand after the show and did the Madam Puddifoot and Honeyduke's interactive wand stations.  We then looked around some of the shops.  I personally felt that the side street with the facades and the Dervish and Banges entrance was a little narrow, as much as I liked that thematic touch. 

Overall, loved the Butterbeer, loved all the amazing detail put into the entire land, and absolutely loved FJ.  Hats off to all of USH's hard work within the past 5 years!
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What an exciting day at USH. Finally at 3 PM Ops. opened up the HP area. It's very nice and a complete "Disney" experience. There are some things that should be changed, but for the most part its great. Only rode FB, and it was not bad. Some of the gags where cheap, but the queue was impressive as well as the ride system. The land is completely themed except for a few areas. The food was good too! Be sure to check it out.
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Hi all! I just got in from hogsmeade!!

I got in at 4:30 and raced to the Forbidden Journey ride! I was also sad about the non themed glasses.

I found the 3d video to be a bit blurry and wished it was non 3d. But overall loved the ride.

I have not ridden the ride at other parks so I don't know how it compares to the others, but I did not get sick and I get motion sick really easy now.

After the ride my wife and I enjoyed butter-beer frozen and cold, both tasted very very good like a vanilla rootbeer!

The green screen train photo op I found to be cool as they have scarfs and wands for you to use, and the image in the green screen looked good.

On a side not I noticed a LOT of people already touching sitting and disturbing the statues and what not in forbidden journey line, I hope they find a way to keep the quality up and not let it get destroyed by the few.

Last thing, the only bad experience was in the locker room, WAY too many people inside at one time with no clear lines or help inside. My wife and others had GROUPS cut in front of them. I saw one woman get so frustrated she looked like she was going to cry. No reason to have the locker room so crowded and with little to no direction or help from cast members. It felt like I was on a subway in Tokyo at rush hour no joke.
SPOLIER ALERT – if you want to enter Wizarding World without knowing anything about it, read no further!

Made it into Wizarding World today! Had a fantastic time. I loved Forbidden Journey in 3D. I thought it added a lot. I especially loved the vortex at the beginning and end of the ride. I did note, however, that on two occasions I clearly saw the ride vehicle in front of me. Something I never remember seeing in Florida. I expect it’s the brighter lighting that’s needed for the 3D. I did miss the quidditch goggles. I’m hoping they’ll be in place by April 7th.

Another difference I noticed from Florida was in the queue. In the Defense against the Dark Arts Classroom, I remember Ron making it snow throughout the entire room. Here, it only snowed up in the front of the classroom, in the part the queue does not go through. So, if you’re in the queue, you don’t get snowed on. I’m wondering if the other snow machines just aren’t operating yet or if this is an unfortunate design change. Time alone will tell.

After Forbidden Journey, I went straight out and got a Butter Beer – cold. Yum. I can see this is going to be a big problem for my waist line.

I then checked out the shops. They are like the ones in Orlando only different. The Honeydukes/Zonko’s shop is smaller. The Honeydukes portion is about the same size as the one in Orlando when it first opened. But the Zonko’s portion is basically one wall – far smaller than the Zonko’s area was originally in the Orlando version (Zonko’s has since been removed from the Orlando Hogsmeade and the entire building is now Honeydukes).

The Owl Post/Gladrags/Dervish and Bangles(I think that’s name of the 3rd shop). That was a little weird because the area that was Olivanders in Florida is Gladrags here. And there was a merchandise shelf missing from Dervish and Bangles – one where I remember them selling The Quibbler – and I can’t tell you why this stuck out to me so much, but it really did.

Wiseacres is kind of a cruel joke. I mean if you’ve been to the one in Orlando in Diagon Alley, I think you’ll agree the Florida shop is pretty impressive. This one, although it has a few of the same elements, it little more than a corridor leading to Olivanders, and it mostly sells Hogwarts Express merchandise.

I never did the Olivander’s show in Hogsmede in Orlando, but I saw the one in Diagon Alley. The Olivanders’ show here was much smaller and more intimate than the Diagon Alley version I saw. But, since I have no reference, I’ll leave others to compare the two Hogsmede shows.

Another thing I hesitate to comment on is Flight of the Hippogriff. The last time I rode the one in Florida, it was the Flying Unicorn. I will say that this ride is much, much smoother than I remember that ride being. Also I loved the view from the lift hill. This is one time the visual intrusions get a pass from me.

And that brings us neatly to the visual intrusions. They are appalling. This is the first time I understood Jon’s complaint about adding a Costco onto the back of the castle, because this is exactly how it appears. You can also clearly see the greenhouse has been added onto the side of the Costco. The Shrek building is a horrible intrusion also. I have to say one of the first things you see coming out of the exit of Forbidden Journey is the Hilton looming over the horizon. And then there’s that office building behind City Walk. I can’t imagine anything less Wizarding Worldly. I realize there’s nothing they can do to eliminate all of this, but they could certainly do more than they’ve done. The visual intrusions in the area between Hogsmede and Hogwarts are a major problem, and more needs to be done to soften them.

And last, I paid a visit to the The Three Broomsticks, where I had the fish and chips – and a Frozen Butter Beer. I think there was some slight variation, but for the most part it’s very close to the Florida version.

Did I have a good time? I had a great time! In fact I’m seriously considering going back up there tomorrow!
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Did anyone experience breakdowns on FJ? It ran very smoothly while I was there. I think they stopped it for like 2 minutes right before I boarded but then immediately turned it back on. I would hope they have most major kinks worked out since this is the third time they've built it haha.

Also, I saw some people posting pictures of return time tickets. Were they issuing those out today? I walked right in without one so I was confused when I saw people with them.
Really tired and will probably post my trip report tomorrow. Really impressed with Hollywood's Wizarding World. Obviously there are some kinks that need to be worked out with Forbidden Journey but I was more than satisfied. The 3D was a bit blurry but that seems to be because the actual 3D glasses for FJ are not ready yet. The ones we received are the generic ones used for Transformers and Despicable Me. My really only big complaint are the numerous visual intrusions into the land. All of them can be fixed with more larger trees so not sure why Universal didn't bother covering them up. 
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I enjoyed the tech rehearsal, too.  Everything seemed to be operating smoothly and the team members were very friendly, knowledgeable and attentive.  I enjoyed a butterbeer, of course.  Received discount using my premium star pass.  Got varying answers to my question about hot butterbeer.  One said not until fall.  Another said it's in Three Broomsticks now, but Three Broomsticks member told me it's only available there for breakfast.  My quest continues. 

In Honey Dukes I bought some butterbeer fudge but was told pass discounts weren't being offered during rehearsal.  Everyone was so nice I let it go.  The fudge is extremely sweet and overwhelms the actual flavor, at least for me. 

Wanted to share pic taken at 11:43am.  I love that all the team members were brought together on their first big day.  I previously saw a microphone so I imagine someone high up said some nice things to the group.  The scissor jack was raised and a group photo was taken of everyone raising their cup of butterbeer.  To the USH team, I too say "cheers"!

Glad to see everybody enjoying Hogsmeade today! It looks fantastic, Butterbeer and all!

Here's to the start of a wonderful theme park land... and the hopeful start towards another... ;)
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Yay! So we do have Butterbeer fudge.. Glad that has been confirmed. Now what about the Butterbeer ice cream?

In regards to the "warm butterbeer", yea I would not expect to be able to have it until fall. Its way too hot out to be drinking that. During breakfast makes sense though. It probably is only available during breakfast, but wont be available afterwards until it is falll & we have cooler weather.