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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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What an exciting day at USH. Finally at 3 PM Ops. opened up the HP area. It's very nice and a complete "Disney" experience. There are some things that should be changed, but for the most part its great. Only rode FB, and it was not bad. Some of the gags where cheap, but the queue was impressive as well as the ride system. The land is completely themed except for a few areas. The food was good too! Be sure to check it out.
What do you mean by cheap?
Regarding the butterbeer ice cream, I don't think we have it. At least not yet. I saw one cart out in front of the Hogs Head that was selling ice cream but when I asked what the flavors were they listed off generic ones like chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.
Yay! So we do have Butterbeer fudge.. Glad that has been confirmed. Now what about the Butterbeer ice cream?
Three Broomsticks is supposed to sell it, although it always struck me as odd. The swirl soft-serve machines that reside at Florean Fortescue’s are notoriously expensive to maintain, but of course it's worth it due to how many different flavors they sell and how popular it is. The question is if they bought a single machine for just an extra item at Three Broomsticks.

It's popular enough to warrant it, IMO. I hope Universal agrees.

A couple of other things I wanted to mention about the soft open yesterday. First, Forbidden Journey did glitch while I was on it. I stopped for about 30 seconds while I was in the quidditch match. The projection shut down and suddenly I was in a sea of white. It’s amazing how disorientating that can be. When it started up again about 30 seconds later, the ride vehicle started to move but the projection never came back. After that, we moved into the Dementor’s cave and the ride functioned perfectly from then on.

Second, they were not running the attraction at full capacity. When I was in the loading area, I noticed several benches go by empty – all part of the technical rehearsal, I’m sure. The line did move very slowly, far more slowly than I remember the line in Florida moving, and I’m sure that’s the reason there was a 75 minute wait posted as I exited.

Thirdly, there should have been more information available about the land. The people behind me in line for Forbidden Journey weren’t even sure if it was a ride or just a walk through. I noticed Team Members throughout the area were trying to engage guests by asking what they’d done. When they asked about the Hippogriff or Olivander’s, people didn’t seem to know what they were talking about. While in the waiting area for the Olivander’s show, the Team Member asked us if any of us had been to the castle yet. No one had, but me, and one little kid asked if there was a ride in the castle. The Team Member responded that he didn’t know what was in the castle because he’d never been there. He’d lived his whole life in Hogsmeade and that the kid and his family would have to go up there to see what was there. Ok, I understand the whole idea of staying in character, but seriously? There are currently no maps or published information about the land at all. Couldn’t he have said something like, “If you go up there, you won’t be disappointed.”?

There were quite a few of us who seemed to know the lay of the land, but still many more who just seemed to be meandering around aimlessly, not sure where they were or what the place had to offer.

And I loved watching the people. One little kid, walking through the area, looking at everything with this manic grin on his face, looked like his head was about to explode. This one guy was walking through the express queue in Forbidden Journey just repeating, “This is amazing. This is amazing,” over and over again. There was another guy in Filtch’s Emporium saying, “I’ve never seen so many things I wanted to buy in my life.” And the kid chosen for the Olivander’s show, was completely buying into it, 100%. Priceless.
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What do you mean by cheap?
(Spoilers Below)

There were some kind of cheesy 3-D gags they put in the ride that you could clearly tell were made cheaply. The screens and video also weren't as clear. Hopefully Jonathon or Chris rode it so they can compare it to Japan. The Dementor scene was a little disappointing. I feel like they could maybe add a bit more fog to that area of the ride because you can see a lot of the behind the scenes stuff. Also at one point, you are just looking at basically 5-10 dementor manikins placed above you. I do also feel like they could turn down the show building lighting a little more at some scenes like the whomping willow. They could also turn down the audio a little bit because I could hear the echoing of the dialogue in another car, in the first scene (unless that's what it is supposed to be) I don't want to complain too much, but that's what these technical rehearsals are for. Hopefully someone at USH is reading our posts ;)   Other than that, it is an amazing ride! I feel like the 1st scene popped in 3-D and felt much more immersive than Florida. It is amazing to have this at USH! Now, lets just hope Shrek goes sometime soon and they place an order for tons of huge trees :p

Thirdly, there should have been more information available about the land. The people behind me in line for Forbidden Journey weren’t even sure if it was a ride or just a walk through. I noticed Team Members throughout the area were trying to engage guests by asking what they’d done. When they asked about the Hippogriff or Olivander’s, people didn’t seem to know what they were talking about. While in the waiting area for the Olivander’s show, the Team Member asked us if any of us had been to the castle yet. No one had, but me, and one little kid asked if there was a ride in the castle. The Team Member responded that he didn’t know what was in the castle because he’d never been there. He’d lived his whole life in Hogsmeade and that the kid and his family would have to go up there to see what was there. Ok, I understand the whole idea of staying in character, but seriously? There are currently no maps or published information about the land at all. Couldn’t he have said something like, “If you go up there, you won’t be disappointed.”?

There were quite a few of us who seemed to know the lay of the land, but still many more who just seemed to be meandering around aimlessly, not sure where they were or what the place had to offer.
Yeah, I feel like they need to have some sort of map for just Harry Potter that they can give out during tech rehearsals without giving a full map and people saying, "It's on the map, why isn't it open" and complaining. 

I also think they underestimated how many lockers they needed, because I overheard a manager and said they were running out....That's not good for the first day it is ever open, a Friday, and on a soft opening. However, it was also cool to see some TMs and suits giving their feedback on the land. There was a suit that said, "I don't like the placement of the height sign." I think it is cool that they are eventually going to have to move it just because he felt like it wasn't a good placement there.

I'll try not to complain anymore! Just amazing that we have this and now I feel too spoiled to live just 5-10 minutes from Hogwarts. 
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so yesterday, did you need to queue to get into the land? or after 3pm, can you just walk in?
I got there around 3:20 and I just walked in. Sorry for the people that waited :( But I did wait an hour and a half for FJ but was lucky and got to get right back on, without waiting and not single rider.
Thirdly, there should have been more information available about the land. The people behind me in line for Forbidden Journey weren’t even sure if it was a ride or just a walk through. I noticed Team Members throughout the area were trying to engage guests by asking what they’d done. When they asked about the Hippogriff or Olivander’s, people didn’t seem to know what they were talking about. While in the waiting area for the Olivander’s show, the Team Member asked us if any of us had been to the castle yet. No one had, but me, and one little kid asked if there was a ride in the castle. The Team Member responded that he didn’t know what was in the castle because he’d never been there. He’d lived his whole life in Hogsmeade and that the kid and his family would have to go up there to see what was there. Ok, I understand the whole idea of staying in character, but seriously? There are currently no maps or published information about the land at all. Couldn’t he have said something like, “If you go up there, you won’t be disappointed.”?

There were quite a few of us who seemed to know the lay of the land, but still many more who just seemed to be meandering around aimlessly, not sure where they were or what the place had to offer.
This kind of proves that so many guests in LA have never been to the Florida incarnation, let alone know what's even in it. This seems to already be a gigantic hit with locals, eager to see what happens in the months ahead.
Yeah, already saw tons of kids trying the interactive wands. They want to keep Hogsmeade open the most time possible, because of $ Money $
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While in the waiting area for the Olivander’s show, the Team Member asked us if any of us had been to the castle yet. No one had, but me, and one little kid asked if there was a ride in the castle. The Team Member responded that he didn’t know what was in the castle because he’d never been there. He’d lived his whole life in Hogsmeade and that the kid and his family would have to go up there to see what was there. Ok, I understand the whole idea of staying in character, but seriously? There are currently no maps or published information about the land at all. Couldn’t he have said something like, “If you go up there, you won’t be disappointed.”?
Good report. From an immersive point of view I'd prefer the TMs to stay entirely in character at all times. 
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I also think they underestimated how many lockers they needed, because I overheard a manager and said they were running out....That's not good for the first day it is ever open, a Friday, and on a soft opening. However, it was also cool to see some TMs and suits giving their feedback on the land. There was a suit that said, "I don't like the placement of the height sign." I think it is cool that they are eventually going to have to move it just because he felt like it wasn't a good placement there.
I agree. The couple I mentioned earlier, who didn't know if it was a ride or a walk-through, had a bag with them. When the Team Member came by to make sure no one had bags, he had to tell them that there was a 20 minute wait for a locker. They could either go downstairs and wait for a locker, or they could do child swap with the bag. They wanted to ride together so they chose to wait for a locker -- and this was after waiting about 40 minutes in the queue.

Of course, the ride wasn't  running at full capacity, and if it had been there would have been a higher locker turnover rate. So, maybe that's the problem. Or maybe they do need more lockers. Who knows? But after all, that's what tech rehearsals are all about.

I should also mention that when I purchased my merchandise, I was offered Package Pick-up. They would send my purchases to the front of the park and I could pick them up on the way out. It's good that Universal is doing this. It will help alleviate the need for lockers.
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Is anyone going to the park or at the park today.
I wish  :(  

Soft openings are "guaranteed" to continue on Sunday and Monday, but afterward, the rest of February seems to be a strong "maybe". It's entirely possible the land will stay open everyday thus forward, but it's also entirely possible that exact opposite will happen. (and in-between) Either way, if you're not living in SoCal, I highly recommend to wait until March to make your way to USH to see Potter.
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I was in the park yesterday, had an absolute blast. Everything they did is incredible and Butterbeer is AMAZING! The only real issue I had were the sight lines and lack of trees in the Hogwarts/FOTH part of the land. It's very sloppy back there. Feels like they just plopped it on a parking lot with office buildings and shrek looming over. :(
Wait. I'm confused as to that TM's response. Why would he say he didn't know what was in the castle because he had never been? He's pretending to be a wizard who would have had to have gone to school. And if he lives in the UK he would have gone to Hogwarts... So shouldn't he know exactly what's in it?
Wait. I'm confused as to that TM's response. Why would he say he didn't know what was in the castle because he had never been? He's pretending to be a wizard who would have had to have gone to school. And if he lives in the UK he would have gone to Hogwarts... So shouldn't he know exactly what's in it?

Because those who live in Hogsmeade are just villagers, not students. They're like the townies in a college town.
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