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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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Forbidden Journey in USH especially is very tame on the jerkiness. Simpsons, Despicable Me, Transformers and even Studio Tour display more of a jerky quality. FJ is more about smooth, precise swaying about, creating the sensation of flight rather than ground motion like those other attractions (and Indy). Of course, you are seated fairly upright and are pushed onto your backside (swiftly, but quickly) more times than one. The best way I can describe it is being like an inverted coaster (Silver Bullet at Knotts for example) crossed with the smoothness of Soarin at DCA. 

What I would recommend is sitting on the test seat outside the ride entrance. That should give you an instant indication for how far your back will be from the backrest. If you can pull down the restraint and it locks you, and pins you comfortably to where your body won't be experiencing any sliding back and forth, then you should be good to ride. Also take TM advice, as they've sure as hell ridden it more than I have.
While I wouldn't say FJ is jerky, it does have a lot more motion than Soarin'. FJ puts you nearly on your back in at least one place. Soarin doesn't even get close to that.

On motion sickness, my girlfriend, who is susceptible to this, is fine on Saorin', but has a lot of trouble with FJ.
Just wanted to respond and give an update, I was fine on FJ. And I was enjoying it far too much to let a little bit of lower back discomfort bother me. I purposely had not watched any YouTube videos because I wanted the first time to be a total surprise and I was screaming like a little girl at the first encounter with the dragon. Didn't feel the effects of motion sickness really, either. The only thing that really bothered me, as far as my back, was when we got stuck on the final lift for Jurassic Park. We sat there for about 5 minutes and for some reason sitting at that angle put just enough pressure on my lower back that if we had to sit there for terribly much longer, I seriously may have considered calling for help. Overall, a fun trip. But man, what a difference a year and the opening of Harry Potter makes! It was pretty crowded. 
Just wanted to respond and give an update, I was fine on FJ. And I was enjoying it far too much to let a little bit of lower back discomfort bother me. I purposely had not watched any YouTube videos because I wanted the first time to be a total surprise and I was screaming like a little girl at the first encounter with the dragon. Didn't feel the effects of motion sickness really, either. The only thing that really bothered me, as far as my back, was when we got stuck on the final lift for Jurassic Park. We sat there for about 5 minutes and for some reason sitting at that angle put just enough pressure on my lower back that if we had to sit there for terribly much longer, I seriously may have considered calling for help. Overall, a fun trip. But man, what a difference a year and the opening of Harry Potter makes! It was pretty crowded. 

Ooh, may I ask how susceptible to motion sickness you usually are? I'd really like to ride FJ if possible because there seems to be only praise for it, but I am worried because I'm extremely susceptible to motion sickness. (I can't do IMAX movies, first person camera games, most 3D - I think?, anything like Inception or action sequences w movie theatre-size screens...)

At least the castle tour is still possible even if I don't make the attempt, but I wonder if I should even make the attempt to ride. /o/;;;
Ooh, may I ask how susceptible to motion sickness you usually are? I'd really like to ride FJ if possible because there seems to be only praise for it, but I am worried because I'm extremely susceptible to motion sickness. (I can't do IMAX movies, first person camera games, most 3D - I think?, anything like Inception or action sequences w movie theatre-size screens...)

At least the castle tour is still possible even if I don't make the attempt, but I wonder if I should even make the attempt to ride. /o/;;;

If you are extremely susceptible, I think FJ will probably make you sick, unfortunately. But it's only four minutes long, so maybe it's worth the risk to try it once?
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Ooh, may I ask how susceptible to motion sickness you usually are? I'd really like to ride FJ if possible because there seems to be only praise for it, but I am worried because I'm extremely susceptible to motion sickness. (I can't do IMAX movies, first person camera games, most 3D - I think?, anything like Inception or action sequences w movie theatre-size screens...)

At least the castle tour is still possible even if I don't make the attempt, but I wonder if I should even make the attempt to ride. /o/;;;

How familiar are you with the Universal Rides? Just to give you an idea, I can only ride The Simpsons one time and then I feel the effects of motion sickness. I even closed my eyes during parts of it on this most recent trip. There are parts of Despicable Me and Transformers that I find a bit nauseating, but nothing too bad. I would put Forbidden Journey below those . However, just based on your question, I would strongly caution you before riding it. If IMAX causes you to feel motion sickness and first person "shooter" games (as my husband calls them -- and I can't watch him play more than just a few minutes because some of them cause me issues, too), you may have problems with FJ. I rode the Mummy one time a year ago and because it goes backwards, I felt bad for nearly 2 hours before getting over that and it's no fun to be in a theme park feeling like you're going to puke. 
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Ooh, may I ask how susceptible to motion sickness you usually are? I'd really like to ride FJ if possible because there seems to be only praise for it, but I am worried because I'm extremely susceptible to motion sickness. (I can't do IMAX movies, first person camera games, most 3D - I think?, anything like Inception or action sequences w movie theatre-size screens...)

At least the castle tour is still possible even if I don't make the attempt, but I wonder if I should even make the attempt to ride. /o/;;;

Dramamine is a perfect way to combat much motion sickness on FJ. It's quite easy to get, but as long as you ride it correctly by holding firm onto the grip, back into the seat with an upright posture and always look forward you should be fine. The worst part is the Whomping Willow which can be quite unsettling, if that really gets you then shut your eyes, it'll be over very quickly.

Ride with a full (but settled) stomach and first thing in the morning when you still have a lot of pep and energy. FJ, when tired, can be excruciating. But it's very much worth it just once.
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Thanks everyone. I'll see how I'm feeling morning of going then before deciding - and how others in my group feel too. I haven't been to Universal in yonks but it's looking like I should be a bit wary of more than just the FJ ride now, whoops! I appreciate the heads up and all the tips!
Just saw something that's going to break the hearts of a lot of single riders…like me. Remember how the single rider used to be an underground privilege that only us fanatics knew about? NO MORE! When I went today, there was a team member announcing to everyone by the SR entrance that there was a single rider line. Guess what happened? Single Rider filled the entire queue space in the sorting hat area and cut off around the gap that divides the lines (Where the TMs tells you which line to go in). I really hope they don't continue this. 
I mean, it's not that much of a secret. There's a sign for the single rider line and everything. Plus, for a ride like Forbidden Journey, I'm sure having every bench totally full is their goal. Having a well stocked single rider line would help with that. Yeah, the mess around the sorting hat is not great, but it's not like they were keeping the SRL a secret...
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I always feel that single rider lines should be exactly that, for people who are at the park by themselves.  If you are there as a couple, with friends, or a family and go to enter the single rider line together, you should not be allowed in there (even though some will argue that it's okay if everyone in the group has agreed to ride by themselves).  I see single rider lines as a privilege for when I go alone, not as a way for groups to skip most of the line and ride separately (not to mention all the times I've seen groups and families get to the end of the line and spend time arguing with the staff that they want to ride together/were confused/etc.  

Getting off my soapbox now.

And to keep on topic, does anyone know if they will still be serving butterbeer during HHN?  I hope there is a cart out front of the land.
^Wow, I totally disagree.  The purpose of single rider is to fill single seats that would be otherwise empty.  It is not a privilege for being alone.  And any group/couple that goes into with the understanding of being split up is fair game... they're still filling in single seats.

Most groups do not want to split, though.  It's human nature for most GP to ride together.  So I don't see SR being overtaken on a regular basis (though it can be in isolated situations, sure).

That said, I do totally agree that groups that enter SR, then argue at the front that they have to be together, are totally annoying and do cause problems.  They need to be told to return to the regular line.
And to keep on topic, does anyone know if they will still be serving butterbeer during HHN?  I hope there is a cart out front of the land.

I highly, highly doubt it. The two butterbeer carts in the land aren't mobile at all and they're most likely going to use the big fake hedge barriers they have to block off the archway. That means that, in order to sell it, you'd need people carrying trays of butterbeer from the carts to the outside of the barriers and back every five minutes. Not really feasible. Plus, I don't think HP team members are allowed outside of the land in uniform.
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No butterbeer during the event. There will most likely be a couple TMs outside of Potter with (I hope) security close by to address complaints about the shuttered land.

The point of SR is about capacity first, privilege second. While the annoyance of those who try to "cheat" is palatable, it's really not as common or rewarded as much as some think. It's still almost always shorter than the regular line. And if it's the other way around, then SR will just go that much faster.
Thanks, I will just get some butterbeer in the afternoon using my annual pass then.  As for SR, point taken.  Privilege may have been too strong of a word, perhaps "nice treat" would have been better phrasing.  At least it's not like my trip to Universal Japan last October.  I was surprised to see them making the short lines of single riders wait just as long as the regular line, sending out car after car with empty seats even though there were people in the single rider line (this was even specified on the wait times, for example, "wait time 120 minutes, single rider wait time 105 minutes").
Most groups do not want to split, though.  It's human nature for most GP to ride together. 

My experience is very different. Groups don't mind being split up while riding; they don't like being split up in line. And most people don't like lines. So if a group wants a shorter line they will tend to go into the single rider line. I go alone often, I am always in line with couples and groups. And most of the time the SLR is now only 10/15 minutes shorter than the regular line. As you point out SRL isn't a perk for people going to the park solo - it's only to full empty seats in the ride.