The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood | Page 230 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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It makes sense for it to be open. Most of the other daytime attractions are also open during HHN, and it will increase HHN capacity, which allows them to sell more tickets. I wouldn't expect any scare zone or anything HHN to spill over there, though.
I don't see the WWoHP open during HHN for two main reasons. The first is wands. Their biggest money maker in the wizarding world is Ollivanders and wand sales. But HHN has a strict "nothing that can be used as a weapon" policy. What does Ollivanders sell? Foot-long pointy sticks. You wouldn't be allowed to bring it inside the park and if you bought one in the park, you'd have to do package pick-up. That means, of course, that the interactive windows are a no-go, which is a big part of why people buy the wands in the first place.

The second is that HHN tends to attract a more unruly crowd. I heard that one year, a 15 year old kid was caught by an employee with a gallon bag of his mom's vodka under his sweatshirt, duct taped to his chest. Having just spent a great deal of money on this nice, clean Hogsmeade, it might not be a great idea to unleash the hordes onto it quite yet.
I don't see the WWoHP open during HHN for two main reasons. The first is wands. Their biggest money maker in the wizarding world is Ollivanders and wand sales. But HHN has a strict "nothing that can be used as a weapon" policy. What does Ollivanders sell? Foot-long pointy sticks. You wouldn't be allowed to bring it inside the park and if you bought one in the park, you'd have to do package pick-up. That means, of course, that the interactive windows are a no-go, which is a big part of why people buy the wands in the first place.

Orlando has Diagon Alley open with full wand use during their HHN, with the same policies, so I doubt wands would factor into this.

My feeling right now is that daytime attendance is especially dismal during October, so they may end up advertising packages for both day and HHN operations. Which, yes, they've done in the past but it was merely a formality. Here they could concievably feature it for guests traveling who also want to take WWoHP for a rather full day. While that may not be the actual reason, it would be a huge benefit.
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I don't see the WWoHP open during HHN for two main reasons. The first is wands. Their biggest money maker in the wizarding world is Ollivanders and wand sales. But HHN has a strict "nothing that can be used as a weapon" policy. What does Ollivanders sell? Foot-long pointy sticks. You wouldn't be allowed to bring it inside the park and if you bought one in the park, you'd have to do package pick-up. That means, of course, that the interactive windows are a no-go, which is a big part of why people buy the wands in the first place.

Most generic gift shops in the park sell wands, though - not just Ollivanders. If wands are allowed during regular park hours, I don't see why they'd be prohibited during HHN.
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Agreed .....

 I may have to take you up on this bet..... haha. ....... all I have heard from everyone is that it will be closed.... but who knows.....
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This is a shock to me. Wonder what made Uni not want to go through with having it open for HHN.
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This is a shock to me. Wonder what made Uni not want to go through with having it open for HHN.

I'm surprised, too. Since WWoHP is still in its first year, here, maybe they're worried that HHN would have cannibalized daytime ticket sales? It looks like they have a combo day/night HHN ticket this year. It might be hard to sell that if the night ticket included all the attractions of the day ticket. 
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Eh….not sure if this should go in the HHN thread or not, but I'll post my thoughts here since I have other thoughts I want to share on the other thread.

I'm glad Potter won't be open during HHN honestly. I know I sound mean and terrible for saying that, but it's a good business move. Now a bunch of Potterheads won't be plaguing the place to see Potter at a discounted price. The people who actually want to see the event would be shut out when it sells out when everyone would be going just for Potter. Plus, they would complain about there being too much "scary stuff" to get to Potter. I'm all in favor of waiting a year until the hype dies down. I like the day/night combo idea as a good (and reasonably priced) compromise. 

It's also good for me if I go with a certain group of people who aren't HHN fans. They'd probably spend the whole evening there, not doing anything because they're too chicken. I really want to see them traumatized in the Exorcist while I laugh at their mental torment.  :lol:
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I think it's smart, honestly. Make the HHN people go for the full day and increase capacity during the usual dead daytime. 

The actual event, however... I'm interested to see how crowd flow goes about.
I think it's smart, honestly. Make the HHN people go for the full day and increase capacity during the usual dead daytime. 

The actual event, however... I'm interested to see how crowd flow goes about.

Yeah, that's the only thing I'm worried about. If they had Potter open, you would have the problem I just mentioned earlier. We do have four rides that people will actually go on, PLUS seven houses, and a show. Last year with fewer houses and the show, crowds seemed reasonable. I think it will be tolerable this year.