@deadbydawn, you asked how theaters should adapt. I know you were agreeing with what I saidme, but i'll still provide the path forward for theaters and I think Jerrod is on a good track below...
I have to agree. I pay less going to the movies than a PVOD movie would cost as i'm one person. I know many of you have families or are married or whatever your situation, but for those of us paying for movies for one person, a $20 rental makes no sense to me and i'd rather go out of my house and have the experience of seeing a movie with my friends because then at least I know if the movie is bad i'm in good company. If I pay $20 for a bad movie, it's just gonna leave me sour.
The path forward for AMC, Regal and Cinemark is for them to become a home distributor like Amazon, Fandango, iTunes, etc. They can still have theaters (albeit less), but they could embrace PVOD if all had apps and say, for example, AMC allowed you to watch Trolls, Scoob, etc as a part of your AMC Stubs membership. Your membership would be good on both the app at home and in theaters. If Amazon ever ends up buying AMC, I can almost guarantee something very similar to this will happen.