Here’s what I want. It’s a hub and spoke, where the spokes are rivers flowing from five valleys and hub is a massive waterfall/lake. Moored in the lake, in front of the waterfall is a vessel that’s part catamaran/part cutter, the Mistico. The nighttime show uses the waterfall and the sails for projection mapping, with fireworks and fountains supporting it.
Each valley features multiple IPs, broken up with tributaries from the river. Water plays heavily into the structure/aesthetic of the park, with lots of trees and nature around the hub to contrast heavily with the smaller, heavily themed areas.
Entrance - Fort Wonder - It’s a pioneer outpost, with a feel that mixes Port of Entry and Tom Sawyer’s Island. The shops/restaurants have a rustic, Frontierland feel.
Valley of Fantasy - Anchored by Far Far Away (Shrek), this valley features IPs that focus heavily on the imaginative.
River Play - The river’s source is the Mushroom Kingdom, surrounded by DK’s jungle and Yoshi’s Island. Smaller outposts features similar light-hearted, interactive fare.
Adventure Canyon - You want weenies? Here’re your weenies. Berk, Classic Monsters, and the LotR expansion goes here.
Joy Fields - This is, ostensibly, the kiddy area. Hello Kitty and Middle Kingdom (Kung Fu Panda) will go here.
Sci-Fi City - Yeah, I’m doing it. Star Trek, Battlestar, and others go here.