What about the fact that SNW is opening up in Hollywood first? It’s great for them, not so great for us.
I gotta agree with
@Casper Gutman a little. Even though the park will probably end up being awesome anyways, it’ll still be a missed opportunity to create something truly amazing.
They could have gotten LOTR, but they didn’t. They probably had the chance to grab some of the DC rights, they didn’t. Godzilla. Star Trek. Hell, they could have put Jurassic World or Fast and Furious in the new park, but they choose not to.
Nintendo, DreamWorks, Fantastic Beasts, and Classic Monsters/Holiday World is a good lineup, but there was opportunities for it to become so much more.
Keep in mind, this is assuming that Pokémon and Zelda get put into the new park as well, but they might not. That would be even worse.