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What Games Are You Playing?

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Anyone picking up Resident Evil 5? Gamefly shipped it out yesterday so I'll be playing it this weekend or Monday.

I'm curious to hear what people think of it. I'm not too sure of the whole Africa theme or whatever the hell it is.
Beat Fallout over FCAT days. Started playing The Simpsons Game for now. Not a bad game, pretty entertaining. After this I'll probably beat BioShock and JustCause for the 20938209832098 time.
Call of Duty: World at War on Wii

Hmmm... how is it?

The good news is that my dad (the stricter one when it comes to games) felt I was ready for M games, so it's really up to my mom to remove that little restriction. :happy:

My brother and I checked out level editing in LittleBigPlanet today... if you have somebody else around with you to make levels, you'll have a great time doing some ridiculous stuff. :thumbs:
Guitar Hero: Metallica demo is out on the XBOX Live Marketplace.

Awesome sample of the game. Sad But True is one of Metallica's best. The game is surprisingly easy. I 5-starred each song on hard and played Sad But True on expert and 5 starred that as well.

The store I go to has the game already so I'm thinking about picking it up tonight/tomorrow. It's definitely worth the buy.
I've played Resident Evil 5 for a little bit. It seems solid.

I'm usually the type to play "Run and Gun" shooters... this definitely isn't. The fact that you can't move and shoot is incredibly difficult to get the hang of. The zombies/whatever they are in this game come out of nowhere alot. I've had a few jumps. Worth a try if you are interested in it.
Currently playing Mad World for the Wii. Blood, violence, swearing, sexuality... is this really a game on the Wii console!?! About damn time!
Picked up Guitar Hero Metallica today. Awesome as usual. I think I finally know who I like better in the Rock Band/Guitar Hero war and I'm siding with GH. I just think the games are more accurate.

Definitely a must buy for Metallica fans or Guitar Hero fans.
My problem with Guitar Hero is that the graphics could use an overhaul. The cartoony character models aren't really cutting it for me-I prefer Rock Band's more realistic (if going at a slightly slower framerate than GH's visuals do) look myself. I have no interest in GH:M, as much as I like Metallica.

I've been playing LittleBigPlanet with my brother, messing around on the level creator as well as working on the 'campaign' (or trying to) as well as working on the Metal Gear Solid Level Pack levels. Also, I dusted off my copies of COD4 and Resistance 2 yesterday-the first, I played a bit online (I unfortunately missed out on the randomly thrown-in but appreciated Double XP weekend a couple weeks ago), trying to rack up kills on the G3, and the second I worked on the campaign-I have in the past said that I was disappointed with R2, but moving on in the campaign, I'm willing to give it another chance. Oh, and I played a few rounds of a PS3-exclusive Naruto fighting game :lol: against my brother, who's a Naruto fan (but not too extremely). It's actually quite fun, with shurikens being thrown everywhere and awesomely ridiculous mega moves when your chakra meter (that is, energy to perform these moves) is filled up. I'd recommend it, turn on the Japanese dialogue and have a laugh with some friends.
My problem with Guitar Hero is that the graphics could use an overhaul. The cartoony character models aren't really cutting it for me-I prefer Rock Band's more realistic (if going at a slightly slower framerate than GH's visuals do) look myself. I have no interest in GH:M, as much as I like Metallica.

The graphics don't really matter to me. But if you want to argue about graphics, I'd probably take Guitar Hero's. I don't like that grainy look they use on Rock Band constantly. The characters are also very cartoonish in Rock Band but they use more realistic venues. It looks stupid. Atleast GH goes with cartoonish people and cartoonish venues.

Rock Band's songs on guitar are way too easy. It's constant strings of the same notes. It gets very boring, very fast. The only thing great about Rock Band is that they introduced the modern drums to video games. I also prefer GH's drums. Also feel more realistic. (I don't have the GH set though... I'm using the Rock Band one.)
The graphics don't really matter to me. But if you want to argue about graphics, I'd probably take Guitar Hero's. I don't like that grainy look they use on Rock Band constantly. The characters are also very cartoonish in Rock Band but they use more realistic venues. It looks stupid. Atleast GH goes with cartoonish people and cartoonish venues.

Rock Band's songs on guitar are way too easy. It's constant strings of the same notes. It gets very boring, very fast. The only thing great about Rock Band is that they introduced the modern drums to video games. I also prefer GH's drums. Also feel more realistic. (I don't have the GH set though... I'm using the Rock Band one.)

Yeah, I really hated the grainy effect at first, but I got used to it. You're right about the RB characters being cartoony also, but they're slightly less cartoonish than GH characters. Right now, the two things I'm jealous of in Guitar Hero are the music studio (though if I really wanted to make music, I could mess around on GarageBand on one of my parent's Macs, and for creating stuff I prefer LittleBigPlanet anyway) and the fact that you can also make your own guitars for your character. And the next-gen systems aren't as bad as the Wii or PS2 graphics for GH-have you seen their hands sliding on the guitar?! :lol: I'm decent but not amazing, so the repeating notes are fine by me, even though I'm not that great at them, especially when they go at faster speeds.

I've been playing through GTA4 again. I don't know why but it sure is damn fun.

There's your reason... and that was funnier than it should have been. :lol:
At the moment I like Rock Band a lot better than Guitar Hero. I have both and I just feel that Rock Band is more fun. I like the guitar of Rock Band 1000 times better than Guitar Hero's. the characters look better. I have yet to play World Tour and Metallica but from what I have played Rock Band is superior.
Yeti, the look of World Tour is remeniscent of GHIII, but I feel the boatload of new features redeems the game. However, as I said, I'm still on the Rock Band side.
At the moment I like Rock Band a lot better than Guitar Hero. I have both and I just feel that Rock Band is more fun. I like the guitar of Rock Band 1000 times better than Guitar Hero's. the characters look better. I have yet to play World Tour and Metallica but from what I have played Rock Band is superior.

I'm assuming your talking about Guitar Hero 3. I wasn't a big fan of that one. When they introduced boss battles it brought a whole new level of annoyance. The devil especially.

I think World Tour nailed it. They got a good thing going with that game... not too easy... not too hard... just fun. Aerosmith was a disaster... the game was so easy it wasn't even funny, and Metallica is just badass. The riffs are so awesome and it actually makes you feel like you are playing it where in some games... ala Rock Band it just feels like you are hitting buttons sometimes. The GH drums do the same time... when I was playing Freak on a Leash on World Tour it actually felt like I was jamming on the drums. They seemed amplified. Rock Band's drums just seem to fall in the background and you feel like your just hitting pads.
I'm a Rock Band person, myself. I've always been a bit turned off by GH's visual style, and though it is very similar, Rock Band just feels a lot more intuitive to me on all instruments. I play drums most of the time, and while GH didn't do a bad job, I think Rock Band is tons better. I actually found that a lot of stuff seemed to be left out in a lot of the GH drum tracks. As far as which set I am on... Drum Rocker, baby. I could never go back now.
I like RB's guitar better, but I find GH's drums to be waaaaaay superior. I'm a GH guy but I haven't played either inawhile(I don't own RB), I may pick up Metallica but not too interested now.