Geez, I guess I'm not the only one who waited til the last minute. Regardless though I'm nearly done with only two gifts to go. So anyways about the latest intel. Now I want to stress this isn't confirmed information but it came from someone who I have total faith in.
A few months ago I got word of wifi coming to the park. Didn't think much of it since mobile media, personalized park experiences, and guest options are all in the major parks future. So as time went by and wifi equipment was being installed the main question was not so much why but when. Also of note was the location in which wifi infrastructure was installed which was the FJ, ROTM and apparently Gringotts at one point as well.
Meanwhile during this time frame I've been talking with others about the new Ollivanders experience and what we can expect. And while I can't get into to much detail I will confirm the entire experience is much larger in scale and capacity. With 3 showrooms and a larger more "interactive" experience. Then another piece of the puzzle fell into place or at least possibly, that Ollivanders in Hogsmeade may stay. Now with so many merchandise opportunities at their disposal why would they want the extra options and capacity for wands?
Well couple a new wifi network, new Potter Expansion, and a unique merchandise opportunity and what do you get? Well besides 60 min waits for $50 dollar wands and record sales numbers that will fund IOA's next land transformation. Magic Quest of course! I've been told Universal is moving forward with this and the possibilities are huge. More as I find out! Now I gotta go wrap some gifts.