This sounds like the exact system in use at numerous different US airports, Minneapolis/St. Paul being one of them. MSP's version has got the EXACT same support structures, track layout (including switch tracks), and (I would assume) the same in-track cable propulsion system as what's been installed at UOR so far. It's quiet, spacious, effective, and makes getting around MSP quite easier. This is a totally doable and easily-maintained transportation/ride system. I'm sure it will be amazing!
Furthermore, I doubt there's going to be fake engines on both ends of BOTH trains. From what's been discussed on here, as well as what Disneyhead said in the quote above, there will be ONE false engine per train, NOT false engines on either end of both trains. This means that the engine will be in the back of the train going backwards on one leg. It also won't be a big deal, since Universal has some pretty damn clever designers working for them and will make this a non-issue...except for the theme park fanbois, and how many of them--on this site alone--are constantly b*tching about trivial things like slightly exposed show buildings? Let's face it, some people can't be satisfied regardless of what Universal does (and they are entitled to their opinions), while the average member of the general public will be blown away by anything they do. My point is that we simply shouldn't be worried about it, and for those that are, maybe it's time to chill out just a tad? :smiley: