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Villans Unleashed

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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
So... before I let you all discuss this shameful event much like Frozen fun... the 'Hades with no stick' jokes I think are coming much as 'Olaf on a Stick'. Ok, Discuss.

*and what I mean by that is when you leave you get to have a **Autograph** of StarLord/Gamora from GOTG, All the Star wars villans, and all other Disney villans; which you don't meet them, its just **I think** plastic, much like 'Olaf on a Stick' But Stick-less'
I think it looks like fun AND has more things to do than mickeys not so scary. Disney went really obscure for some of these villains and I applaud them for it. Constantine was a nice surprise, oogie boogie having a show is just awesome and seeing gantu as a character is pretty freaking cool. Why they chose to do this now instead of having it alongside mickeys not so scary is again beyond me but compared to the disaster that was last year I think it was an event worth having. Way more substance than frozen summer fun
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The Oogie Boogie show did look like it was ok (and actually slightly risque for WDW), but other than that, i've heard nothing but complaints all night from the event.

There's no right way to do an event like this, especially at a park like DHS, which has terrible ride capacity. When the main focus of the event is on limited capacity M&G's, it doesn't matter how much planning goes into it, it's going to be a **** show. And there's only 3-4 rides in the park anyone cares about doing beyond the M&G's, so if people aren't standing in lines, they're pretty much just clogging up the streets. It's a recipe for disaster.
I saw a video of them "introducing" 50 villains, but they used 14 unnamed Star Wars villains that never even came on stage to get to that number lol.
Ill say it was fun to play along on Twitter last night during the event. I don't think I saw one positive tweet from anyone who was there, well besides from Brigante :lol:
Everyone willingly giving Disney money to attend this hard ticketed event are killing any chance for new rides and equal experiences for ALL guests. DHS is starting to become another dead park (like Epcot) that only exists trough events. There was a time these events where additional at no extra cost but because people are probably so bored and have to much money Disney is able to pull of these cheap events where the highlight is underpaid castmembers in a costume and overprices cupcakes and souvenirs.
I am not going to say its terriable, as it does have potiental.... if they go full on having it around October/late September. Have maybe a overlay of Rockin' Roller Coaster and theme It to Oggie Boogie with the preshow redone where hes taking over the studio and wants you to listen to some of the more famous Villan songs. And even have TOT get more effects just for Villans Unleashed.. Its just me but I think if you go full-on with how DL did with Haunted Mansion; it could have something special.
Disney overestimated the amount of people who'd do the M&G vs rides compared to the other hard ticket events in MK. Well mainly because MK has rides worth riding.
Last year was a disaster. We went at around 6, went through the secondary gate to avoid traffic and were directed to the front gate exit with no one along the way telling us what was going on.

Went and played mini golf then came back but definitely wasn't a spectacular evening
MGM just isn't a park that can handle hard ticket events unless they really limit the number of guests who can buy tickets, but if they do that then it doesn't make staffing worth it. They just don't have enough there to do. Hard Ticket events are hard on 1/2 day parks. Why do you think Uni only does HHN as a hard ticket event, because it wouldn't work at those parks right now either. MK is the only park that can handle hard ticket events with M&Gs.
MGM just isn't a park that can handle hard ticket events unless they really limit the number of guests who can buy tickets, but if they do that then it doesn't make staffing worth it. They just don't have enough there to do. Hard Ticket events are hard on 1/2 day parks. Why do you think Uni only does HHN as a hard ticket event, because it wouldn't work at those parks right now either. MK is the only park that can handle hard ticket events with M&Gs.

Exactly..Hollywood Studios should never host a hard ticket until they get more attractions in there
It was a hot mess.

The detour was supposed to be setup at 3pm, we were in that area after 3 so we followed the signs. It ended up leading us to a sign that said STUDIOS PARKING DETOUR. And that was it. It didn't say turn left, turn right, go straight, or anything. So we were stuck. We tried different ways and nada. Went up to the entrance we usually use to ask for directions and it was still open. We were met with an angry parking CM because my boyfriend didn't see anyone poking their head out so he went up to talk to the security guard.

Later on, we were apart of the first group going after the roaming characters by Echo Lake/Indy. It was supposed to be either the hyenas or Brer Fox/Brer Bear. Lion King is my absolute favorite, so we were trying to figure out when the hyenas were coming. As we stood there, more people joined up to wait for the same thing. We had cast members stopping...cast members that were dressed nicely (so not the normal front line) asking us what we were in line for. It made me giggle when someone posted on another site that every CM they encountered knew what was going on. Pretty much the opposite for boyfriend and I. We had them calling to find out for us when the hyenas would come, but the CMs never came back. It was just a hot mess.

Later on, we went to check Palpatine. His line was long and the CM said it was like 60, so we decided to catch Oogie Boogie's show and then go wait. The preshow was funny, but the show itself felt like something for HOS or HHN. Upon returning to Palpatine, there was no CMs around. He wasn't meeting at the time but his next set was 11:30. We were probably around where the line was when the CM said 60 last time and it was now 11:13. We wanted to ask someone but nobody came out for awhile. At least when I asked, she said we would make it in and we did in pretty much no time.

It just seemed like they didn't equip their CMs with proper information at all.

My boyfriend and I expected a hot mess so while disappointed, we didn't go to guest services or anything. I do intend to e-mail them though.

Despite all the blahness, we did get to meet the hyenas, Starlord and Gamora, Emperor Palpatine and the Royal Guards, and then by chance in SoA near the end of the event, we caught Stromboli, Foulfellow, and Gideon within 5 minutes. So if we count everyone, we met 11 (10 if we only count one of the guards) characters. I'm not complaining about that. It's more than last year!