2016 BGT Coaster Confirmed | Page 17 | Inside Universal Forums

2016 BGT Coaster Confirmed

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As most of you know the Tiger side of Gwazi has been closed for a while now. One reason for this was to have a supply of parts for the Lion side. Even with this extreme measure parts are becoming scarce.

Like I stated above, Gwazi is slated to be demo'd in the spring of next year. Remember, this was a Anheuser-Busch pet project and Blackstone does not support pet projects.

One more thing . . .


Might I add...(as seen at IAAPA, picture by Orlando Attractions Magazine)

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As most of you know the Tiger side of Gwazi has been closed for a while now. One reason for this was to have a supply of parts for the Lion side. Even with this extreme measure parts are becoming scarce.

Like I stated above, Gwazi is slated to be demo'd in the spring of next year. Remember, this was a Anheuser-Busch pet project and Blackstone does not support pet projects.

One more thing . . .


So Gwazi may be replaced by a PolerCoaster? I know at IAAPA that S&S/US Thrill Rides is building one in Florida for 2015, but I wouldn't think it would go up in BGT. I'm reserving my judgement until after I see it, but the ride looks to be just in a tower of some kind, which would take very little of Gwazi's immense space (unless there is a new themed area to go along with it, which would be cool)!

Just as long as it has just airtime, I'm fine! :smiley:
PolerCoasters look cheap. I agree it seems like something that would be at Fun Spot or Magical Midway...not Busch, Sea World or Uni.

Give me a REAL coaster...something B&M or Intamin.
One thing that intrigues me about that kind of coaster, curved inversions like a loop or a zero-g roll. I also noticed the artwork seems to be (old, and) based on a location close to Kings Dominion, because you can see Hypersonic in the background.
Just read this on wikipedia, don't how much truths in it but the height sounds interesting:
A second sale of the ride was confirmed for a Florida location at the IAAPA Trade Show in 2013. The ride will stand 525 feet (160*m) tall and begin with an inversion at its maximum height. As a result, it will become the tallest roller coaster in the world, beating the 456-foot-tall (139*m) record set by Six Flags Great Adventure's Kingda Ka; it will feature the world's tallest inversion, surpasing the 170-foot-tall (52*m) inversion on Cedar Point's GateKeeper; and it will be among the longest roller coasters in the world, with a track length of approximately 8,000 feet (2,400*m).

looks cool, hope it has more to it than just the tower though, as tall as it is. If this is indeed for BGT Bob will have another project to follow, who needs Uni ehhh?
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You know...something like this doesn't have to be constrained to the tower structure once it gets close to the ground...

The most space-intensive parts of a roller coaster are generally the lift hill and subsequent lead-ins/pull outs to large hills. If you put most of your high speed "hills," inversions, and the lift all on the tower structure, you can have a pretty compact "ending" away from the tower closer to ground level. I'm just kind of spitballing, and if I were at IAAPA I'd be asking them just how custom they can go (i.e. away from the tower), but since I'm not there...
It does look pretty neat in that video and the option of going to 1000ft wow, although a would doubt BGT would get planning permisions for that kind of height. Will be watching this with interest.
Too bad BGT didn't build this around Flacon's Fury, would have been pretty cool to see the drop tower inside the coaster track like that and would have served a dual purpose
^Not gonna happen....you're talking about a CRAZY RIDICULOUSLY priced ride on top/side of a tower that is meant for restaurants and shopping. It has taken them 9 years to go from Sheikra's 200ft height to possibly 525ft with this attraction...little far fetched there. There's no doubt that Gwazi is coming down, but I'd love to hear from whom your official confirmation is for this happening in the Spring 14'.

Most of the time, if it doesn't come from the park directly...I'd take it as a grain of salt. Keep in mind, CheeTaka was to be the official name for Cheetah Hunt until just 3 days before the announcement ;).
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