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A Quiet Place (HHN 33)

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This is 2nd on my list so far.

If you haven't done it, definitely temper expectations on how "silent" it is. But it is undoubtedly quieter than any other house I've done. There were multiple rooms that absolutely felt "silent" outside of noises like wood creaking, water moving, etc. The house is also gorgeous.

And shockingly enough - the people in line with played along!
Like with several other houses this year, this house was a pleasant surprise for me! The soundscape of the house is killer, which made things a lot more tense and unnerving than I thought it would be. The Death Angels looked great, and there's a few spots where it felt like they were daring you to make a sound which is kinda' brilliant.

Speaking of which, a lot of folks who were around me played along and tried staying quiet. In one run we paused for a cast change, I decided to speak and sure enough one of those Death Angels immediately lunged!

All in all, this was certainly a wildcard risk of an IP due to the concept, but I think they did a really nice job with it!
The reference to multiple tiny speakers is fascinating to me. Many years ago I saw a playtest of technology like this at “Science of Disney Imagineering” pop-up show on New York (to give context, they also play tested Lucky the Dinosaur as a walk-around back then). They were showcasing the directional audio used in Haunted Mansion to make it seem like the Ghost Host was wandering around the room, and I thought it was stunning.

I wish I could hear this house for myself. Can anyone here vouch for the sound effects in this house? Is it more like Haunted Mansion, or the animals walking through the backstage berm in Pandora?
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The reference to multiple tiny speakers is fascinating to me. Many years ago I saw a playtest of technology like this at “Science of Disney Imagineering” pop-up show on New York (to give context, they also play tested Lucky the Dinosaur as a walk-around back then). They were showcasing the directional audio used in Haunted Mansion to make it seem like the Ghost Host was wandering around the room, and I thought it was stunning.

I wish I could hear this house for myself. Can anyone here vouch for the sound effects in this house? Is it more like Haunted Mansion, or the animals walking through the backstage berm in Pandora?
Ran this house a few times, honestly the audio design is similar to every other house, with the exception of a background soundtrack.

They always embed speakers into the wall, right by your ear to avoid noise bleed into other scenes, along with speakers throughout the scene for ambience effects, so it felt like any other house IMO.
This house is towards the top of my list with only a few more trips to make, but I have become less enamored by it every run.

The whole silence thing that they made a big deal out of is dumb especially with how noisy the house is, and the only place I've actually seen TMs do make a big thing of the silence is in Sting Alley where their food is which you know would be a lot more helpful to talk to the TMs instead of have them point and stuff...

The monsters just aren't doing it for me, first run this was my #2 house (GB #1), but they look like repainted/rethemed Demigorgons or the monsters from Resident Evil or heck even that alien with all the eyes in MiB.
I actually don’t have a problem with (some of) the creature design in this house. Some look very mechanical and automatic, sure, but I actually thought others were pretty fluid and cool. Particularly for how big they are.
For me the house was notably quieter than the others but still noisy. I thought the most silent part of the house was the dock scene with the boat and the gentle lapping of the waves.

There were some okay scares. The creatures were hit or miss in terms of how effective they were depending on how much of the creature I saw. The ones at face-level and showed most of the creature's body was far more intimidating than say, the head bobbing up and down near the end or the few times you just saw an arm.

I think this is the one where you first walk in and there's about 10 feet of pure darkness? I was more unsettled by that my first run than anything else. Apparently there's a Death Angel that's supposed to lunge at you in that scene but both times going through it didn't happen for me so I ended up with the long hallway of darkness which turned out better as I had a greater sense of unease going in. I only found out about that scare when watching a walkthrough video later but hopefully I'll get it next time I'm there. I wonder if they actually wait for you to make a sound in that scene now that I think about it.

Overall I like it but might be lower on my top 5 list this year.