- Ride vehicle: One fits the property completely, the other is a box.
- Theming: One is a fantastic mix of AR and incredibly detailed physical, dynamic sets, one is 3D and screens
- Locations: One visits iconic locations from the franchise, the other visits a storage hall, a basement, a warehouse, and a hangar...
- Animatronics: One features animatronics, one doesn't
I can keep going, but other than the "shooter" aspect, I don't even see them as comparable. This is almost a TSMM clone with different shooter technology. There's incredibly little going on here, no iconic characters are really anywhere to be found, the audio is clunky, Spider-Man barely speaks, the scenes are almost the same thing on loop with rough animation, etc.
I have no issue with not being the target audience for an attraction. I enjoy many, many attractions that are not designed for me. But this is a joke of an attraction for one of the biggest franchises in the world made by a company that is capable of making some of the greatest attractions in the world.