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Avengers: Doomsday (2026)

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It is pretty predictable of our society that Ezra Miller did FAR worse than Majors (not to say what Majors did was acceptable though) and yet Ezra, who was caught on tape doing a lot of the things, was given a slap on the wrist, not fired from any major project, and subsequently handled with kiddie gloves.

Now of course I think it’s the right move to fire Majors, but I also though that Miller clearly should’ve been fired and looking back it’s literally insane they were allowed to star in a superhero film in the title role after everything that happened.

Jonny Depp ...
The more I think on it the more I think they may just not even recast Kang? The issue is Kang as a character is poisoned from bad writing in his only feature film he's been in. Add on to that the controversy that Majors added this year and while it's not something they can't come back from, it leaves them in a tough place.

The other part of it that hasn't been said here yet is if any actor accepts the role, that tacitly implies that they think that Majors being fired was deserved and while I believe it to be deserved, I think there's a lot of actors that wouldn't want to put themselves out there like that and make a personal enemy, especially if he's a friend.
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The more I think on it the more I think they may just not even recast Kang? The issue is Kang as a character is poisoned from bad writing in his only feature film he's been in. Add on to that the controversy that Majors added this year and while it's not something they can't come back from, it leaves them in a tough place.

The other part of it that hasn't been said here yet is if any actor accepts the role, that tacitly implies that they think that Majors being fired was deserved and while I believe it to be deserved, I think there's a lot of actors that wouldn't want to put themselves out there like that and make a personal enemy, especially if he's a friend.
Since Ant Man 3 was setting up what was supposed to be Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars, I wonder how what is now Avengers 5 is going to explain Kang's absence or will they just drop him like a hot potato and not mention him at all?
No one saw Ant-Man so I don't think it matters too much haha. That's the one good thing about having a bad film that bombs, it's much easier to retcon something that people didn't care about in the first place.
I said it back when Quantumania released and I'll say it again: Majors was just fine as Kang, the character was so poorly written that anyone could have played that part. Whether they choose to recast or not feels irrelevant at the state of entropy the MCU has entered. They really need to shake things up if they want audiences to see another Avengers movie.
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I really feel a slew of "First Avengers movie to make under --- Million Dollars at Opening Weekend Box Office" news stories coming if they can't find a way to turn things around in a relatively short amount of time. Given how disconnected the next few films are, and how some are also going back in for reshoots, I just don't know how much hope I have. Will someone who didn't see Ant-Man go to see Thunderbolts? Fantastic Four is a new team, and Deadpool is a meta comedy that exists largely outside of the MCU proper. There's kinda just Captain America, and... I just don't know about that one honestly. Sam is fun, but he's barely even been introduced yet as Cap.
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The more I think on it the more I think they may just not even recast Kang? The issue is Kang as a character is poisoned from bad writing in his only feature film he's been in. Add on to that the controversy that Majors added this year and while it's not something they can't come back from, it leaves them in a tough place.

The other part of it that hasn't been said here yet is if any actor accepts the role, that tacitly implies that they think that Majors being fired was deserved and while I believe it to be deserved, I think there's a lot of actors that wouldn't want to put themselves out there like that and make a personal enemy, especially if he's a friend.
someone online said that Kang should be like the comics blue and cgi like thanos, and you just need a voice actor.

No one saw Ant-Man so I don't think it matters too much haha. That's the one good thing about having a bad film that bombs, it's much easier to retcon something that people didn't care about in the first place.
loki show is wrecked now lol.
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I'm the only person who doesn't want Doom

The MCU is in a bad place....and now is when you want to just throw in Doom? I think MCU fans are nuts to risk such a great villain
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Scarlet Witch would have been the perfect big bad post End Game ... but they wrote her out of the MCU already

There has already been two different Dooms and two different Magnetos in modern comic book movies, will a third version of either really save the MCU?
Scarlet Witch would have been the perfect big bad post End Game ... but they wrote her out of the MCU already

There has already been two different Dooms and two different Magnetos in modern comic book movies, will a third version of either really save the MCU?

I'm the only person who doesn't want Doom

The MCU is in a bad place....and now is when you want to just throw in Doom? I think MCU fans are nuts to risk such a great villain

I think "save the MCU" or "bad place" are strong words to use but it definitely needs to right the ship.

Despite Major's performances, it's clear Kang wasn't doing it; so yeah - Doom would absolutely be a better way to continue than with a Kang recast. It's not like Doom's on-screen portrayals have been worth a damn so they have a lot of room to nail it.

Ant-Man and Loki S2 left it at a good spot where they don't need to explain Kang any more than "he's dead, and we're moving on".
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I'm the only person who doesn't want Doom

The MCU is in a bad place....and now is when you want to just throw in Doom? I think MCU fans are nuts to risk such a great villain
You do realize we went through the entire infinity saga and only saw Thanos twice before Infinity War, right?

A great villain is a great villain. Vader didn’t have a bunch of bread crumbs laid out before appearing in A New Hope. Star Wars just came out in 1977 and Vader immediately cemented himself as an all-time great villain from the second the movie started.

They can easily switch to Doom and save this saga IF the writing is there. Kang simply wasn’t cutting it as an imposing villain and I think they have a lot better of a shot of a good Avenger storyline with Doom.
You do realize we went through the entire infinity saga and only saw Thanos twice before Infinity War, right?

A great villain is a great villain. Vader didn’t have a bunch of bread crumbs laid out before appearing in A New Hope. Star Wars just came out in 1977 and Vader immediately cemented himself as an all-time great villain from the second the movie started.

They can easily switch to Doom and save this saga IF the writing is there. Kang simply wasn’t cutting it as an imposing villain and I think they have a lot better of a shot of a good Avenger storyline with Doom.
Agreed, it really just comes down to the writing and how they portray the villain.

Thanos at first didn't seem like much as he was observing and commanding via his throne, with some characters here and there mentioning how ruthless he can be. But once he got off the throne and doing things himself, he quickly showed himself as a very formidable foe who had zero qualms killing whoever got in his way. He truly was the Big Bad we were warned about.

Kang on the other hand, it's hard to take him as the next Big Bad when the Ant-Man team was able to take him out fairly easily, with no serious injuries or kills from him.

If they bring in Doom, they gotta' establish him as a legitimate threat from the get-go. It's totally possible to do so, but it's a wait and see considering how many the recent MCU projects have gone.
I'm the only person who doesn't want Doom

The MCU is in a bad place....and now is when you want to just throw in Doom? I think MCU fans are nuts to risk such a great villain

Scarlet Witch would have been the perfect big bad post End Game ... but they wrote her out of the MCU already

There has already been two different Dooms and two different Magnetos in modern comic book movies, will a third version of either really save the MCU?

i want doom now, i dont wanna wait another 5 years, good or bad im tired of waiting lol. just bring him, lets get it over with lol.
You do realize we went through the entire infinity saga and only saw Thanos twice before Infinity War, right?

A great villain is a great villain. Vader didn’t have a bunch of bread crumbs laid out before appearing in A New Hope. Star Wars just came out in 1977 and Vader immediately cemented himself as an all-time great villain from the second the movie started.

They can easily switch to Doom and save this saga IF the writing is there. Kang simply wasn’t cutting it as an imposing villain and I think they have a lot better of a shot of a good Avenger storyline with Doom.
Yeah and we all know that the MCU is NO Where near Phase 1-3

So I'm just warning you, rush Doom and you get what you get

I can complain if he sucks but the the fans that are want him now with ZERO set up before or the MCU writers even thinking about said character its on you guys to enjoy it

Secret Wars.....I mean come on. The Marvels fine but pretty flawed still, BP couldn't live up to the first film. Antman 3....they didn't even try and Thor 4 ruined Gorr for many.....so if you guys are really that trigger happy for Doom cool but I'm not

He should be planned and have time to grow into a threat like a Lux Luther not just a big bad, also EVERYONE who is a Marvel fan knows Thanos as the big bad for the Infinity stones.....Doom is No way is set up for this story besides fans wanting him
I think Doom deserves much much better, but if this is what he gets, I hope they stick the landing. :rolleyes:

Yeah and we all know that the MCU is NO Where near Phase 1-3

So I'm just warning you, rush Doom and you get what you get

I can complain if he sucks but the the fans that are want him now with ZERO set up before or the MCU writers even thinking about said character its on you guys to enjoy it

Secret Wars.....I mean come on. The Marvels fine but pretty flawed still, BP couldn't live up to the first film. Antman 3....they didn't even try and Thor 4 ruined Gorr for many.....so if you guys are really that trigger happy for Doom cool but I'm not

He should be planned and have time to grow into a threat like a Lux Luther not just a big bad, also EVERYONE who is a Marvel fan knows Thanos as the big bad for the Infinity stones.....Doom is No way is set up for this story besides fans wanting him

even if they introduced Doom next year, let's say in Deadpool 3....., it will take like 5 to 7 years to get the proper movie with him or the secret wars or something.....
we would still have to wait like half a decade or more to get an " infinity war" type movie for doom.

and I don't see anything changing in the Disney leadership to guarantee a good Doom 10 years from now ...... we would be in our 50s by the time they use Doom if they don't bring him now .... if Kang is the villain for the next 5 years, then Doom would be fully use 10 years from now? ( I know I'm not using the correct timeline, it's just an example)
kang is proving to be a disappointing character, Doom could be the next Thanos,
even if they introduced Doom next year, let's say in Deadpool 3....., it will take like 5 to 7 years to get the proper movie with him or the secret wars or something.....
we would still have to wait like half a decade or more to get an " infinity war" type movie for doom.

and I don't see anything changing in the Disney leadership to guarantee a good Doom 10 years from now ...... we would be in our 50s by the time they use Doom if they don't bring him now .... if Kang is the villain for the next 5 years, then Doom would be fully use 10 years from now? ( I know I'm not using the correct timeline, it's just an example)
kang is proving to be a disappointing character, Doom could be the next Thanos,
I said my piece.....I with the few exceptions and most of those have a * next to them MCU has been pretty meh the past few years....so if you think Doom will done right now....great

I have zero faith with reason and rather wait then have the third time Doom is done poorly