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Avengers: Doomsday (2026)

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Edit: Jesus christ

If true, that's going to be a lot of hopping through the multiverse lol.

On a side note, if this is also true it also confirms the Avengers E ticket is happening. With all those characters together, they can film the live action portions of the ride at the same time.
I’m not optimistic on this film currently. This entire saga has been bloated and essentially throwing them all into Avengers rather than making a more focused story just sounds like a mess at the moment.

Endgames was primarily about the OG Avengers, and Ant-Man. Primarily. There was obviously some side stuff going on, but at its core it was a very focused movie on a group of central characters.

Maybe someone can pull off this film similar to Endgame, but I get the feeling they are trying to go bigger. If someone can pull that off then hats off.

The first 3 hours will be just cameos.

If true, that's going to be a lot of hopping through the multiverse lol.

On a side note, if this is also true it also confirms the Avengers E ticket is happening. With all those characters together, they can film the live action portions of the ride at the same time.
ill bet money that time travel is involved again somehow..... they have nothing else to do outside multiverse stuff and time travel, i guarantee that there would be some kind of time jump (maybe instead of jumping into the past they have to go to the future or something) mark my words, they are going to time jump
is there an X men that can jump in time?
ill bet money that time travel is involved again somehow..... they have nothing else to do outside multiverse stuff and time travel, i guarantee that there would be some kind of time jump (maybe instead of jumping into the past they have to go to the future or something) mark my words, they are going to time jump
is there an X men that can jump in time?
I am going to guess Disney wants the Fantastic 4 and X-Men to play a big part in Avengers 5/Secret Wars.
ill bet money that time travel is involved again somehow..... they have nothing else to do outside multiverse stuff and time travel, i guarantee that there would be some kind of time jump (maybe instead of jumping into the past they have to go to the future or something) mark my words, they are going to time jump
is there an X men that can jump in time?

While not time, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that Nightcrawler could jump between multiverses.
I'm gonna be real here: I really don't think this film is gonna do well. I really don't see it pulling Endgame or Infinity War numbers with the kind of budget we're talking. Here is why I mention this with a fair amount of confidence:

Infinity War and Endgame did well because it was the culmination of an entire saga they had built up. You had Iron Man, then build up Captain America, the Avengers, then the Guardians and Spidey....but all of them hinted at Thanos being the big bad. Infinity war and Endgame were the culmination of that buildup.

In an alternate reality where Disney actually knew what they were doing, they would realize that they need to create incentive to keep the fans hooked. Now that the Infinity Saga has ended, you need to establish very early who the next "big bad" is going to be. You don't accomplish this by just throwing everything and the kitchen sink at everyone. "Oh here's Wanda Vision! Here's Loki!" Actually you know what, you can argue they did this with Loki by introducing Kang. But when they establish the big bad, they need to be able to show that he is a credible threat.That is where they failed.

Quantamania is a far more pivotal MCU movie than I think people realized. This was supposed to be the one movie that would establish Kang, the next huge villain, as a threat. They could've done this by having him kill of Ant-Man and the other main characters. They could've had an "Oh crap, this dude is serious!" point to establish him as a serious threat....but they fumbled that ball hard. Now with Jonathan Majors out, I really think the best possible move to make at this point is have Doctor Doom be the next main villain and move on from Kang.

While I do think the MCU has made many blunders along the way that has really hurt its chances to maximizing the film's success, I think Deadpool and Wolverine has a decent chance of reinvigorating interest. They can establish the next "big bad" there. They can do things to get excited for the next big MCU movie. But they need to pace themselves from here on out and make sure each film actually builds up to Secret Wars. I can't believe they followed this formula from the Infinity saga and dropped the ball on that hard, but hopefully now they learned. No more "one-and-dones" like The Marvels, She-Hulk, or Shang-Chi. Each movie HAS to build up to Secret Wars or this movie will fail. Deadpool and Wolverine is your only shot at making sure this movie does well, so don't fumble that ball.
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People will see an Avengers movie no matter what. It’s about how many repeat viewings they get. I am not delusional enough to think that this movie will perform as well monetarily as the other films, although part of that is simply a change of viewing habits. But these Avengers films also, as of right now, feel less consequential.
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I'm gonna be real here: I really don't think this film is gonna do well. I really don't see it pulling Endgame or Infinity War numbers with the kind of budget we're talking. Here is why I mention this with a fair amount of confidence:

Infinity War and Endgame did well because it was the culmination of an entire saga they had built up. You had Iron Man, then build up Captain America, the Avengers, then the Guardians and Spidey....but all of them hinted at Thanos being the big bad. Infinity war and Endgame were the culmination of that buildup.

In an alternate reality where Disney actually knew what they were doing, they would realize that they need to create incentive to keep the fans hooked. Now that the Infinity Saga has ended, you need to establish very early who the next "big bad" is going to be. You don't accomplish this by just throwing everything and the kitchen sink at everyone. "Oh here's Wanda Vision! Here's Loki!" Actually you know what, you can argue they did this with Loki by introducing Kang. But when they establish the big bad, they need to be able to show that he is a credible threat.That is where they failed.

Quantamania is a far more pivotal MCU movie than I think people realized. This was supposed to be the one movie that would establish Kang, the next huge villain, as a threat. They could've done this by having him kill of Ant-Man and the other main characters. They could've had an "Oh crap, this dude is serious!" point to establish him as a serious threat....but they fumbled that ball hard. Now with Jonathan Majors out, I really think the best possible move to make at this point is have Doctor Doom be the next main villain and move on from Kang.

While I do think the MCU has made many blunders along the way that has really hurt its chances to maximizing the film's success, I think Deadpool and Wolverine has a decent chance of reinvigorating interest. They can establish the next "big bad" there. They can do things to get excited for the next big MCU movie. But they need to pace themselves from here on out and make sure each film actually builds up to Secret Wars. I can't believe they followed this formula from the Infinity saga and dropped the ball on that hard, but hopefully now they learned. No more "one-and-dones" like The Marvels, She-Hulk, or Shang-Chi. Each movie HAS to build up to Secret Wars or this movie will fail. Deadpool and Wolverine is your only shot at making sure this movie does well, so don't fumble that ball.
The Infinity Saga building up to Infinity War and Endgame was the epitome of lighting in a bottle. You're never going to recreate that formula ever again. But part of me hopes that if done right, Disney can end this middling era of the MCU on a pretty high note.

IMO, after Secret wars, I think it would be the best if Marvel took a break from theaters for a little bit like what they did (although hopefully not as long) once the Star Wars sequel trilogy wrapped.
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I'm gonna be real here: I really don't think this film is gonna do well. I really don't see it pulling Endgame or Infinity War numbers with the kind of budget we're talking. Here is why I mention this with a fair amount of confidence:

Infinity War and Endgame did well because it was the culmination of an entire saga they had built up. You had Iron Man, then build up Captain America, the Avengers, then the Guardians and Spidey....but all of them hinted at Thanos being the big bad. Infinity war and Endgame were the culmination of that buildup.

In an alternate reality where Disney actually knew what they were doing, they would realize that they need to create incentive to keep the fans hooked. Now that the Infinity Saga has ended, you need to establish very early who the next "big bad" is going to be. You don't accomplish this by just throwing everything and the kitchen sink at everyone. "Oh here's Wanda Vision! Here's Loki!" Actually you know what, you can argue they did this with Loki by introducing Kang. But when they establish the big bad, they need to be able to show that he is a credible threat.That is where they failed.

Quantamania is a far more pivotal MCU movie than I think people realized. This was supposed to be the one movie that would establish Kang, the next huge villain, as a threat. They could've done this by having him kill of Ant-Man and the other main characters. They could've had an "Oh crap, this dude is serious!" point to establish him as a serious threat....but they fumbled that ball hard. Now with Jonathan Majors out, I really think the best possible move to make at this point is have Doctor Doom be the next main villain and move on from Kang.

While I do think the MCU has made many blunders along the way that has really hurt its chances to maximizing the film's success, I think Deadpool and Wolverine has a decent chance of reinvigorating interest. They can establish the next "big bad" there. They can do things to get excited for the next big MCU movie. But they need to pace themselves from here on out and make sure each film actually builds up to Secret Wars. I can't believe they followed this formula from the Infinity saga and dropped the ball on that hard, but hopefully now they learned. No more "one-and-dones" like The Marvels, She-Hulk, or Shang-Chi. Each movie HAS to build up to Secret Wars or this movie will fail. Deadpool and Wolverine is your only shot at making sure this movie does well, so don't fumble that ball.

People will see an Avengers movie no matter what. It’s about how many repeat viewings they get. I am not delusional enough to think that this movie will perform as well monetarily as the other films, although part of that is simply a change of viewing habits. But these Avengers films also, as of right now, feel less consequential.
something i hate is that one way to bring in audiences back is to have a lot of characters dying, i dont know if thats what deadpool3 is planning (i heard rumors) but the next avengers movie could bring a lot of people of something huge and crazy happens like killing alot of characters, but then infinity war already did that
or bring a lot of old characters but then deadpool is going to do that
i literally cant think of anything at all that would bring a lot of numbers,
something i hate is that one way to bring in audiences back is to have a lot of characters dying, i dont know if thats what deadpool3 is planning (i heard rumors) but the next avengers movie could bring a lot of people of something huge and crazy happens like killing alot of characters, but then infinity war already did that
or bring a lot of old characters but then deadpool is going to do that
i literally cant think of anything at all that would bring a lot of numbers,
I can guarantee you that while maybe not this film, I am heavily confident in my belief (based on nothing but tea leaves and Disney needing a boost) that RDJ will be back as Tony Stark in Secret Wars and possibly Chris Evans as Steve Rogers.
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The film will make money but even with all these extra characters...I doubt beats End game because the MCU has just lost a lot of people

I think it will do well just not as well as it should if the last two phases were as strong as the ones before them
I can guarantee you that while maybe not this film, I am heavily confident in my belief (based on nothing but tea leaves and Disney needing a boost) that RDJ will be back as Tony Stark in Secret Wars and possibly Chris Evans as Steve Rogers.
black widow better show up
black widow better show up
I don’t really want any of them to show up as I feel it ruins their proper send offs. However, I feel like it’s more likely than not that Disney plays to that nostalgia, especially since they can just use multiverse versions of these characters.
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I don’t really want any of them to show up as I feel it ruins their proper send offs. However, I feel like it’s more likely than not that Disney plays to that nostalgia, especially since they can just use multiverse versions of these characters.
if iron man and captain are coming back, i demand widow
I think Marvel has seriously lost the casuals after Endgame and the Spider-Man that immediately followed it. Obviously Covid threw a huge wrench in their momentum, but as someone who was fully dedicated to seeing the 3-4 movies per year and that was it, the notion that I needed to start watching Disney+ shows (which I don’t have, nor do I watched any scripted series) to know background for the movies was a huge turnoff. It’s like they shot for a bigger proportion of people’s entertainment time and got more from some but less from a lot of others.

And while the multiverse obviously plays a huge part of the comic books, it’s another huge turnoff to me. I admit I didn’t watch the Dr. Strange movie that probably explained the whole concept, but as a casual it comes across as now they can just make up whatever storyline they want that ignores the past, and that story doesn’t have to connect to the future because they can just go hey hey, different universe.

I really want to be interested in this, but when I read 60 characters in a movie my first thought is I wonder what stupid backstory they’re going to have to come up with to make that even marginally plausible. Maybe the multiverse makes sense in the comic books, but in a context where there are 3-4 two hour movies a year, it just doesn’t.
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It's called Secret Wards because no one knows what's going on anymore. ;) I'm not saying there isn't potential for reaching Endgame-levels of story and conclusion but it's not happening right now.

People will see an Avengers movie no matter what. It’s about how many repeat viewings they get. I am not delusional enough to think that this movie will perform as well monetarily as the other films, although part of that is simply a change of viewing habits. But these Avengers films also, as of right now, feel less consequential.
Obviously I'm only one person but I've lost interest in seeing a lot of MCU-related things because it all feels like it's going nowhere. It doesn't feel like we're leading up to a payoff that's worth the "work" of keeping up with all of the movies on top of the side-plots. And if the tent pole movies rely too much on those extra side-content to fully appreciate and understand what's happening, I'm even less likely to watch it because then it'll come across as extra confusing keeping up with all the subplots and motivations.

I think Marvel has seriously lost the casuals after Endgame and the Spider-Man that immediately followed it. Obviously Covid threw a huge wrench in their momentum, but as someone who was fully dedicated to seeing the 3-4 movies per year and that was it, the notion that I needed to start watching Disney+ shows (which I don’t have, nor do I watched any scripted series) to know background for the movies was a huge turnoff. It’s like they shot for a bigger proportion of people’s entertainment time and got more from some but less from a lot of others.

And while the multiverse obviously plays a huge part of the comic books, it’s another huge turnoff to me. I admit I didn’t watch the Dr. Strange movie that probably explained the whole concept, but as a casual it comes across as now they can just make up whatever storyline they want that ignores the past, and that story doesn’t have to connect to the future because they can just go hey hey, different universe.
I'm not a super fan of superhero movies and I'd consider myself a casual fan. This has been my issue too. Even when wanting to keep up with the shows a few of the mini series have burned me because they're often too short and/or feel their existence is purely so Marvel/Disney can go "see we already introduced this character so we don't need to properly build them up."

As an example I was very into Moon Knight until the cliffhanger ending and my desire for more has severely died down after that. I get needing to tease audiences but from my perspective the shows have felt like multiple cliff-hangers with no actual plan to go somewhere with it and make the payoff worth it. Then there's hoping those shows get more than a single season or it turns out to be a one-off Disney has no interest in continuing.

I was even about to say Marvel has gotten really bad in creating an overarching connected plot line as they still hadn't addressed the giant half-baked Celestial sticking out of Earth but I did a quick search before posting this and they did! (Sort of but I shouldn't be as surprised at that as I am.) They acknowledged its existence in a throwaway scene (haven't watched Season 2 tbh) in She-Hulk ep 2. I would think something literally that Earth-changing would have been getting far more attention than some of the other events going on and be more prominently featured in the bigger storylines for this phase of the MCU. And where are the Eternals?

Part of me still wants to dive back into the MCU but it needs to be less convoluted.
Honest to god I wonder if Avengers 5 might just be Avengers vs. The X-Men.

We know they are prepping things to be ready for X-Men to make their MCU debut; would be interesting if we got a chance to see how they tackled a story on how the killing of Tiamut rippled across the Universe to bring mutants to form.
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Here's the fundamental problem about trying to recapture INFINITY WAR/ENDGAME: there are no characters remaining who can anchor things (in terms of audience investment) like Tony and Steve did. Audiences really cared about what was going to happen to them.

Their void has not been filled even a little bit. Yes, there are still some solid pieces (Spidey, Strange, Star-Lord), but nobody has emerged as the "main characters" the way Tony and Steve clearly were in the overall third phase of the MCU.
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I think Marvel has seriously lost the casuals after Endgame and the Spider-Man that immediately followed it. Obviously Covid threw a huge wrench in their momentum, but as someone who was fully dedicated to seeing the 3-4 movies per year and that was it, the notion that I needed to start watching Disney+ shows (which I don’t have, nor do I watched any scripted series) to know background for the movies was a huge turnoff. It’s like they shot for a bigger proportion of people’s entertainment time and got more from some but less from a lot of others.

And while the multiverse obviously plays a huge part of the comic books, it’s another huge turnoff to me. I admit I didn’t watch the Dr. Strange movie that probably explained the whole concept, but as a casual it comes across as now they can just make up whatever storyline they want that ignores the past, and that story doesn’t have to connect to the future because they can just go hey hey, different universe.

I really want to be interested in this, but when I read 60 characters in a movie my first thought is I wonder what stupid backstory they’re going to have to come up with to make that even marginally plausible. Maybe the multiverse makes sense in the comic books, but in a context where there are 3-4 two hour movies a year, it just doesn’t.
I have absolutely no problem watching the shows if they were good.
but they are awful sometimes. they actually make you mad. not only mad about wasting time but they stay in your memory. I wish I never watched she hulk. I wish I never saw it. just awful.
and Nick fury show was terrible. really boring. just so bad. it's not about wasting time, but they kind of ruin the rest of the universe. they ruin the overall story and ruin the reputation of those characters ( Nick fury is not cool anymore. she hulk is a joke)
I haven't watched Echo and I'm afraid to watch it lol.
Taika Waititi❤️…takes an already funny script:scream:…aaand….:grinning:is ripping, on a level:devil:….that is frikkin’ sublime…:p:skull:

ughhh....yeah I'm gonna say it, I really don't like him too much ..... he did cool stuff before but the marvel stuff he did ruined Thor.