Saw it in IMAX--definitely felt like a condensed TV season. 75% two actors talking in a small room on some soundstage, mixed with some janky CGI (in small, cut-away doses, to save 60 seconds of animating overall). That would've made it aggressively mediocre.
But then the small details add up...
Why put a character comic fans (or anyone who buys Happy Meals) will instantly recognize as Sabra, but ret-con a new name and backstory with a voice-over?
Why waste the Serpent Society with just two members, neither in costume? Cap being the only one in a funny outfit actually makes the world less believable, not more.
Why does no one put together basic facts about the film's kickoff event that clearly indicate one character is innocent? Oh, and Sam, the guy who counsels soldiers, doesn't care that maybe other members of the military are also being railroaded?
Why "Brave New World"? The phrase has a loaded meaning, and it doesn't apply at all here.
I heard the movie was largely rewritten, and it shows. There's a skeleton of a good movie here -- Mackey is still charismatic as hell, Ford actually good again -- but I think it got bogged down with the need to use previously shot footage from a very different story.