In 2009, Warner Bros. released
Orphan, a horror movie about a young child who worms her way into a normal American household using perverse psychological manipulation before (spoiler alert) being revealed as an adult woman. On Thursday night, the audience at the opening night of the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival was lucky enough to be treated to an unofficial
Orphan remake. It is called
Dear Evan Hansen, and it is nominally the story of a high schooler who tells a white lie that spirals out of control. But based on what’s staring us in the face from the movie’s very first frames, it is hard to read
that plot as anything other than a grown man’s elaborate scheme to distract a bunch of teenagers from the fact that he is actually twice as old as they are. And even more chillingly, he gets away with it!
*This article originally claimed that Ben Platt’s Dear Evan Hansen
haircut was a wig. It is, astoundingly, his own hair.