After reading so a few things about the reinvention of the studios, Is Cars Land and a Indy RIDE happening? and I get the whole smaller Cars Land blah blah blah, but will it happend? Because so far sounds like the so called "new" will consist of 3 lands only: Hollywood/Studios area, SWL and TSL. I mean TSL is supossed to extend back of TSMM and some are talking about up towards Canyon Disaster area, and SWL is spreading towards NYC and Indy Show. I am pretty sure they won't be touch much Sunset Blvd, but besides that and center stage area, once you add the new lands "as big as they are supossed to be", it will fill up most of the available space. Also makes me wonder about the new name since the 3 main theme lands (1 Space (movie), 1 Animated (movie), and 1 Location (Place/Town)) It will be hard to call it a Studio or anything to do with movies since they will main offer 2 movies.