Usually it is just a background set element, not used as any particular scare.
In 2019, ST had it at the end of the arcade screen showing a mannequin Will Byers staring out into the red storm with the mindflayer. Yeti had some windows that from the inside looked like snow falling outside, meanwhile on the outside it showed some yeti silhouettes wreaking havoc. Also HOTC had some in the midway point, showcasing random pictures as used in the film, I think to allude to the similar shifts in the film.
2021 in Hill House, there was the neat set piece of the stairwell that was old and decrepit and had a screen that would show the scene of Nell dancing, before shifting back to the live set piece of the room.
2022 in the Weeknd there were some screens used in the beginning to show the "In Your Eyes" girl with the axe, before she was revealed from her boo-hole, and the "After Hours" big room with imagery.
If they use screens in here, I could picture it showing an outside to add depth, but it would be awesome if it could be as elaborate as a dragon flying by prior to seeing a large head puppet.
Big expectations for this house as I grew up with the original Lost Continent, DD being one of my favorite coasters, along with the theming of the land. Hoping they can nail the dragon puppets as IMHO the chupacabras last year didn't do it for me. Favorite puppet of all time was the lion in Nightingales Blood Prey, it was unexpected and positioned perfectly as a distraction scare.