Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 157 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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good news! apparently there is a drop in new cases across the us. bad news? with economies and businesses reopening, we’re probably gonna be hit with another huge wave.
Coronavirus Cases Slow in U.S., but the Big Picture Remains Tenuous
A “huge” wave may or may not happen. We’ll see. But increased cases has always been the expectation with the reopening.

For the record- the New York Times tracker is awful. They have a per capita option but not a percentage of test option (shocker). So yes, the total number of cases is dropping, as they mentioned. But what they didn’t mention is the percentage of positive cases has absolutely plummeted, which the experts weren’t expecting. The enormous increase in testing should have shown more cases in an absolute number, but nationally even that’s less, as reported.
That, of course, doesn’t stop the media from reporting pockets, such as “Texas numbers spiking” while disregarding the massive increase in tests in Texas and overall percentage of positive cases actually being at an all time low. But even that isn’t a fair picture because early testing were only suspected cases; so its obvious those would represent a higher percentage. So we’re only just now getting a baseline over the last couple of weeks because we finally have an acceptable number of tests, so we don’t really have much to actually compare it to.
I still stand by hospitalization numbers being the best and most important of the metrics to track. The others ones are too manipulatable in either direction at least until the next couple of weeks when we’ll have a lengthier track record with adequate testing.

Sorry for the tirade, I just hate the manipulation of numbers or the lack of painting a full picture (not you, but the NYT article).
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A “huge” wave may or may not happen. We’ll see. But increased cases has always been the expectation with the reopening.

For the record- the New York Times tracker is awful. They have a per capita option but not a percentage of test option (shocker). So yes, the total number of cases is dropping, as they mentioned. But what they didn’t mention is the percentage of positive cases has absolutely plummeted, which the experts weren’t expecting. The enormous increase in testing should have shown more cases in an absolute number, but nationally even that’s less, as reported.
That, of course, doesn’t stop the media from reporting pockets, such as “Texas numbers spiking” while disregarding the massive increase in tests in Texas and overall percentage of positive cases actually being at an all time low. But even that isn’t a fair picture because early testing were only suspected cases; so its obvious those would represent a higher percentage. So we’re only just now getting a baseline over the last couple of weeks because we finally have an acceptable number of tests, so we don’t really have much to actually compare it to.
I still stand by hospitalization numbers being the best and most important of the metrics to track. The others ones are too manipulatable in either direction at least until the next couple of weeks when we’ll have a lengthier track record with adequate testing.

Sorry for the tirade, I just hate the manipulation of numbers or the lack of painting a full picture (not you, but the NYT article).

As a North Texan who follows Texas news, it’s been said our state is counting antibody serological tests in their official testing numbers which is not a normal practice and has many questioning if testing totals are being inflated to improve percentages. Agree on hospitalization numbers. We’ve been pretty open for two weeks and places are crowded. Social distancing and masks loosely followed. Observations from my grocery and curbside runs.
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it’s been said our state is counting antibody serological tests in their official testing numbers which is not a normal practice and has many questioning if testing totals are being inflated to improve percentages.
That would certainly help decrease (improve) the percentages.
My cynicism: That could bite them later, but the leaders will likely spin it and mention “we stopped counting antibody tests” or “we’ve significantly reduced the number of antibody tests” to explain the numbers, while glossing over the fact that’s why the numbers tanked in the first place.

I’m to the point I’ve lost almost all faith in my government and media’s handling of this and trust no one but myself. So I watch hospitalization numbers and primarily make my opinions from that.
I also can’t help but think how differently this may have been handled by both the media and officials if it were 2019 and not a major election year. Have I finally become “Deep State Andysol”? :lol:
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That would certainly help decrease (improve) the percentages.
My cynicism: That could bite them later, but the leaders will likely spin it and mention “we stopped counting antibody tests” or “we’ve significantly reduced the number of antibody tests” to explain the numbers, while glossing over the fact that’s why the numbers tanked in the first place.

I’m to the point I’ve lost almost all faith in my government and media’s handling of this and trust no one but myself. So I watch hospitalization numbers and primarily make my opinions from that.
I also can’t help but think how differently this may have been handled by both the media and officials if it were 2019 and not a major election year. Have I finally become “Deep State Andysol”? :lol:
cant really fully trust hospitals either, it depends, as for being election year, it makes me wonder if states would have opened sooner or not, or if the media wouldnt have lied about the masks, or so many other things, or if states would have closed like they did at all, like when people bring up H1N1 and stuff. would have restaurants or stores or parks closed in 2019? who knows
My wife works in a hospital in central Florida. They were planning on closing their dedicated COVID unit that she works in at the end of the month. Things have slowed down and they were down to 2 patients for about a week with no new or suspected cases coming in. From Wednesday to Thursday that grew to 22 patients all various confirmed and suspected and now the unit won’t be closing till mid July.
I know that’s only one hospital in one area but considering the discussion on numbers and questions in reporting...I figure I’d chime in.
We have split threads for a reason.

This is the "Effects on Entertainment" thread. Not the General Covid Thread. If you want to discuss your conspiracy theories, go there!
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You lost me here. How has the media lied about masks?

At the start of all this, there was a large push to the public about how masks won’t protect you which is true to an extent but it was also to stop people buying up masks that front line health workers desperately needed.

Individually a mask won’t protect you as much as you think but if everybody wears one, it stops the people who have COVID spreading it.

This is where a lot of confusion seems to be just now.

Although some people are just idiots.
At the start of all this, there was a large push to the public about how masks won’t protect you which is true to an extent but it was also to stop people buying up masks that front line health workers desperately needed.

Individually a mask won’t protect you as much as you think but if everybody wears one, it stops the people who have COVID spreading it.

This is where a lot of confusion seems to be just now.

Although some people are just idiots.

To clarify more, it was to stop people from hoarding N95 masks that healthcare workers needed.
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You lost me here. How has the media lied about masks?
At the start of all this, there was a large push to the public about how masks won’t protect you which is true to an extent but it was also to stop people buying up masks that front line health workers desperately needed.

Individually a mask won’t protect you as much as you think but if everybody wears one, it stops the people who have COVID spreading it.
e just now.

Although some people are just idiots.

i understand they didnt want people to take all the n95 masks to leave them for hospitals, but now you get people that refuse to cover no matter what and if the parks open they will take them out once inside. they saw that the news were saying that masks are not necessary and nothing will change their mind
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More signals today from the Federal government to open up the economy....from the Washington Post just now..."Health & Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said
it's safe to reopen the country because half of the counties reporting 'haven't had a single death', and more than 60% of all covid -19 cases are in just 2% of the reporting
counties. In states such as Georgia and Ohio, where 90% of the economy is open, 'we're not seeing a spike in cases' Azar said. He stressed that surveilling people with symptoms
and responding with contact tracing and isolation are key to controlling a potential spread'.......................I would bet DeSantis runs with that statement to push tourism to open soon.
A “huge” wave may or may not happen. We’ll see. But increased cases has always been the expectation with the reopening.

For the record- the New York Times tracker is awful. They have a per capita option but not a percentage of test option (shocker). So yes, the total number of cases is dropping, as they mentioned. But what they didn’t mention is the percentage of positive cases has absolutely plummeted, which the experts weren’t expecting. The enormous increase in testing should have shown more cases in an absolute number, but nationally even that’s less, as reported.
That, of course, doesn’t stop the media from reporting pockets, such as “Texas numbers spiking” while disregarding the massive increase in tests in Texas and overall percentage of positive cases actually being at an all time low. But even that isn’t a fair picture because early testing were only suspected cases; so its obvious those would represent a higher percentage. So we’re only just now getting a baseline over the last couple of weeks because we finally have an acceptable number of tests, so we don’t really have much to actually compare it to.
I still stand by hospitalization numbers being the best and most important of the metrics to track. The others ones are too manipulatable in either direction at least until the next couple of weeks when we’ll have a lengthier track record with adequate testing.

Sorry for the tirade, I just hate the manipulation of numbers or the lack of painting a full picture (not you, but the NYT article).
Yes, you can expect breaking news and round table discussions everytime Covid does anything for the next 10 years
  • Haha
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i understand they didnt want people to take all the n95 masks to leave them for hospitals, but now you get people that refuse to cover no matter what and if the parks open they will take them out once inside. they saw that the news were saying that masks are not necessary and nothing will change their mind

That's what security is for. Handle them like the people who light up cigarettes outside designated areas. If you can't follow the rules, you will be escorted off the property sans a refund.
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what happens when a 100 people or more take it out,

They're going to have be firm on this issue, even if it means kicking out hundreds of people.

It's important now more than ever that the parks show that someone's right to enjoy their day doesn't infringe upon everyone else's safety. Otherwise, the PR will be damning and no one will want to show up.
what happens when a 100 people or more take it out,
Hopefully they remove 100 people from the park. All it takes is a few getting escorted off before people realize they aren’t playing.
They’ll like get a refund, but hopefully theyll get removed.
Also, remember that it’s mid-May. A lot can change between now and when the parks open. I could see a July opening with no masks, or masks done in a week with complaints.
But bottom line is hopefully people respect a private company’s policy. If someone disagrees with that, they should email and complain but shouldn’t go.
Disney has already added a disclaimer that they hold no responsibility if you catch COVID in the parks. They could also add that refusal to wear a mask will result in expulsion from the park.

Adding a new disclaimer about masks, I don’t know how that would work with APs unless there was something in the into a agreement that they can change their guidelines at any time.
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