Big Brother US cast is rumored to be "quarantining" today. Idk how this happens as LA county has a major spike, but we shall see. Would still be one of the first shows in production again.
Doesn't help that 2 of the heavily rumored cast members (Josh *not surprising* and Kaycee) were out partying in Miami in clubs just this past week. So I frankly have lowered my expectations to it not happening.
Also, Survivor is currently working with the Fijian government to get filming back there asap, possibly by the end of next month/early August as they were supposed to film last March, and it seems to be progressing. Lots of staff stays home or is working remotely on site. Players tested and quarantined. Chartered flights to Fiji have been happening, and I believe a few other CBS shows, reality and scripted, film in Fiji. Fiji also has like zero new cases. Should be interesting how this all plays out.