the problem with last jedi is that it ruins any set up that JJ brings up with force awakens and in an attempt to "subvert expectations" and "surprise the fans" Rian Jhonson destroys any narrative that could have been carried from the force awakens.
as well as make a movie that felt joyless and without a clear plot. the space chase made a lot of people mad because of how nonsensical and boring it felt and the casino planet drove everyone mad from how it didnt fit with the rest of the movie.
most of the people that love the last jedi defend it because of the amazing visuals and great action and acting
i have a feeling the people this potter movie are doing it for the exact same reasons while ignoring the plot holes and problems the same way fans of the last jedi ignore the giant plot holes and structure issues with that movie
ironic, is kind of poetic.
its funny, when JK Rowling tweeted that the curse child was cannnon with the rest of the books people were so mad at her

so many people upset at her for saying this, you can see it here:
the replies are nothing but negative lol
Cursed Child being canon literally breaks half the story of the previous 7 books and disregards established elements.
It's Terrible and Changes everything from Goblet of fire on. It has characters that can't possibly exist "
the story makes n0 sense with the books. everyone is so far out of character and half the stuff that happens is impossible.Cursed Child contradict with whatever you had originally imagined for Harry's future "