Favorite/Least Favorite DHS Attraction | Inside Universal Forums

Favorite/Least Favorite DHS Attraction

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Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
There is a thread for each park on this.

What are you favorite and least favorite attractions at the Hollywood Studios?

Too hard! I love Great Movie Ride, Tower and Terror and Rock n' Roller Coaster. If I had to pick I'd go with RnRC. Of the three it's the one I hardly ever get to ride because of the long lines. I ride Tower of Terror on average like 6 times a month, RnRC maybe once every two. :doh:

Least Favorite:
Even though I actually DO like it at least a little bit, the Backlot Tour is ridiculously bad. Aside from Catastrophe Canyon it is all fluff and all the boneyard props are crumbling in front of us. :mad:
Tower of Terror with Rock n Roller Coaster a close 2nd

Least Favorite:
I dont really remember so I guess I dont have a least fav one here haha.
Favorites:The givens, and "Light's, Motor, Actions" which I have a mild obsession with every time I'm there I want to go see it. I'm the same with Horror Make Up at Uni.

Not So Much: NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMA was alright the first time, but even then it seemed to drag on and on and being too repetitive.
IDK there is something I like about it and IDK I enjoy it. Maybe because it is one of the more edgier things they have it involves high speed, guns, fight scenes and other ****. I just liked it for some reason. I can see where some wouldn't though.
Favorite would be Rock n' rollarcoaster, it's super fun and i love the take off at the beginning

Least fav would be the Backlot Tour it's horrible and needs to be overhauled or SOMETHING!!! However, I usually like the costumes at the end of the ride
Favorite: Tower of Terror. It's probably one of the best themed rides at Disney and one of the most thrilling. They sure don;t make them like that anymore..

Least: Star Tours. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and this ride just doesn't do any justice to the movie franchise. It's horrible.
Favorite: Rock n' Roller Coaster

Least Favorite: Backlot Tour because it's just gotten really bad, I really liked it back about 5 years ago when it seemed more like a backlot tour of actual studios. I also must add Tower of Terror a close second to least favorite only because I don't like the major drops, granted I've only experienced the ride once but I found it quite scary especially everything leading up to the drop, that guys voice and the ghosts...were just super scary to me :eek:
Yay: Rock n' Roller Coaster, ToT (though that crap gives me anixety now that I am older, but still love it once it is said and done) I also love Great Movie Ride. And though not a ride, I love Fantasmic.

Nay: Sounds Dangerous, eh. haven't done the Backlot Tour in forever, but I remember it being pretty dull.

(P.S. Still upset that Animation was gutted up and used as a photo op, I used to love going when it was a sort of working studio)
Favorite: Tower of Terror, which is funny because before October of 2006 you couldn't have paid me to get on it because I was so terrified. Jason (Sledge) made me go on it against my will and I ended up...well...I ended up hating it. lol But then I tried it again. And again...and again. Now I love it.

Least favorite: What's the Drew Carey thing? Hate it.
Favs are LMA and One Man's Dream.

Least favs are The Great Movie Ride, The Tram Tour, Sounds Dangerous, Voyage of the Little Mermaid.
Favorite: Tower of terror
Least Favorite: ?
I've only done a few things there and liked them all. Stuff like the drew carry thing doesn't appeal to me, so i've got nothing to dislike.
Favorite: Tower of Terror with Muppets and Rockin' Roller Coaster up there too.

Least Favorite: Backlot Tour and the Great Movie Ride (use to love it, but it seriously needs an update).
Favorite: Rock N' Roller Coaster

Least favorite: Star Tours, I guess. It's okay.. but needs an update in the worst way.
Favorite: Tower or Rockin. Lots of fun on these two.

Least: Toy Story Mania. This is literally a 3-D Wii game with a moving couch (which made it even better when they said they'd release it as a crappy Wii game!) Factor in the multiple hour wait, and it makes it terrible. I wish Mr. Potato Head was outside because that is the only part I care about.
Hmmm, my favorite ride is Rock-N-Roller Coster
My favorite show is Muppets on 3-D, minus Waldo, lol.

My least favorite ride is the Backlot Tour
My least favorite show, if I can call it a show, is Narnia.