But then, we run back into the SpongeBob situation: why are you paying so much for non-Scooby HB characters when you don’t own them and they’re not a guaranteed revenue stream? Sure, kids, little kids, know who they are, but they also know who the PJ Masks and the Paw Patrol are, and they’d be way more excited to see them. (See also: Barney.)
When Uni - theme parks in general, really - search for third-party IP, they do so in search of something that’s really a guaranteed moneymaker: Simpsons, Potter, Transformers, they might not own them, but they’re all evergreen properties that everyone knows and that bring in jumps in ticket and merch sales. Meanwhile,
Scoob!, the movie, kinda proved that you can’t just dump all these characters into a pot and expect everyone to jump on it.
@Mad Dog made an interesting anecdote just now that even makes me question SpongeBob’s longevity for the near future.