I feel I need to clarify this post a bit. Much of these added funds will be going towards things unseen, things commonly known as infrastructure. Now please do not be let down by this as every attraction at the parks have infrastructure too.
Dragons Challenge and ET are both operating on very old infrastructure, especially electronics and communications. Neither can have major overhauls visually until their infrastructure is completely replaced.
So, ride systems, lighting, sound, communications, even entire park controllers, wiring of the latest tech, all of these fall under park infrastructure that is being replaced, out of sight, and at great expense. To a degree, it is rebuilding everything from scratch and reprogramming from scratch as if it was a year before it originally opened.
I am not even sure if Spider Man's guts were replaced when the new projectors and film were added.
So, I hope this clarification is appreciated. Any questions, feel free to ask and I will attempt to answer.