My only point of confusion here is that if the doors of the Indominus rex pen are already burst open by the time we turn the corner into Predator Cove, having the Indominus herself still inside the pen (behind her bars/trying to get at us in the spot to the right just after the doors) makes no sense if that’s where they’ll be relocating the B mode Indo. I mean, I’m glad if it’s true that they are gonna use the animatronic elsewhere in the ride, and for whatever else is in store for the Cove, but it almost feels like they backed themselves into a corner with the containment failure already having happened as we enter the Cove simply because all that space on the right devoted to the Indo enclosure is essentially wasted; throwing her into the already opened enclosure just ends up creating a weird continuity issue, especially when the Gyrosphere is also already outside having been attacked/damaged.
Maybe I’m just overthinking it, though, and they’ve thought it through. I’m just antsy to see what’s in store already!!