Guardians of the Galaxy Disney Attraction? | Page 60 | Inside Universal Forums

Guardians of the Galaxy Disney Attraction?

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Executives don't always ask for or pay heed to lawyer's opinions. Often they'll just tell the lawyers to make it happen. There's a lot of big ego's in those positions. I wouldn't take anything for granted in this situation.

It's happened before.... see MuppetVision which was created without a firm agreement in place going by Jim Henson's handshake agreement. And then he died and things got messy....
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Contract doesn't exclude merch, as others have stated... They can sell merch, and have no problems doing so.

The reason I ask is that if they build a GOTG ride but can't call it that and then you have a gift store at the exit filled with GOTG merchandise, couldn't that create a problem?
If Chris Pratt was in the queue playing Chris Pratt and sort of introducing you to your ride (a coaster doesn't need to be heavily GotG themed anyway - maybe playing the Awesome mixtape?) and then there's GotG merch in the shop, would Comcast have grounds to sue in any way or would Disney have worked their way around any lawsuits?

It certainly would seem like toeing the line.
If Chris Pratt was in the queue playing Chris Pratt and sort of introducing you to your ride (a coaster doesn't need to be heavily GotG themed anyway - maybe playing the Awesome mixtape?) and then there's GotG merch in the shop, would Comcast have grounds to sue in any way or would Disney have worked their way around any lawsuits?

It certainly would seem like toeing the line.

Maybe. :lol:

Just imagine the advertising. "Come to Epcot to ride a vague story about a team of super heroes in space."
Maybe. :lol:

Just imagine the advertising. "Come to Epcot to ride a vague story about a team of super heroes in space."

The irony.

Being a printer, Disney are notorious for protecting their copyright. I've known very small companies getting letters from them for doing only a one off.

They probably know every trick in the book for just avoiding copyright and contract breach.