Sets definitely aren't hollywood's strongsuit, which I partially attribute to the way they go about the design, I'm not an expert on the behind the scenes aspects of the event, though I know that Hollywood leans fairly heavily on hand drawn designs while Orlando has dipped their toes into using computer software more than we have, and I think being able to see sets in a 3d rendered space is extremely beneficial to the design, and allows for more dynamic sets, although I do think there are a few that have met Orlando in terms of quality, even in recent years. Although even ignoring the difference in design formats Hollywood seems to take a big budget hit every year when it comes to the sets, we've had a lot of situations where we hear about scenes that were supposed to make it into a maze, only to be replaced with black walls because there were budget cuts, 2017 saw this most drastically. Masks and costumes are kinda a mixed bag in Hollywood for me, but I think they're also an aspect that goes overlooked. A lot of them look really fantastic and detailed, and in that facet I've always preferred them over orlando, but in terms of comfort and function I've heard theyre really lacking, since they're designed pretty much with form over function.