Nothing would make me happier to learn an indie haunt has regularly updated credentials, onsite staffing for monitoring, methods proven to make social distancing work through a maze, and numerous cleaning throughout the night while all following the guidelines and recommendations from the state. But such a thing sounds like science fiction, so until I see it, I'll just bet my dollars on sitting in my house this October and if something really good pops up, I'll just see it as a bonus for the hopeful (but unlikely) good behavior we'll be doing by than.
If things are still on the track they are on now, I can only imagine Cuomo will forbid any home haunts operating. The government wouldn't overlook that without doing their research and getting input from health experts that I can almost guarantee will say it's not the greatest idea. But again, who knows!
And the most depressing thing of all... with Bill & Ted 3 out this year, this may have been the perfect time for the show to come back... but now we will never know if we would've dredged through more Jabba.