One hand: "Too many black walls!"
*Creates Us and Killer Clownz, two mazes that were basically on the Orlando level of quality with minimal black walls (and I should know, I went to Orlando that year... and I honestly feel Hollywood did those two better)*
Other hand: "It was a terrible year"
All that said, in defense of critiques, what makes a "good" year and a "not so good" year is so totally subjective. If I like lots of jump scares and gore, and someone else likes more atmospherics and unease, you're not going to agree. Yet both points of view can be valid. I even have the unpopular opinion that black walls don't really even bother me much at all... for me, a sense of darkness always creates some unease. Yes, I do understand that sometimes they are overused, but I've also been in mazes where they were used incredibly effectively (Exorcist and the ending section of the first Insidious maze), where the darkness totally disoriented me and I honestly didn't even quite know where I was going. Super creeped me out, still gives me some chills just thinking about it. All while the person right behind me may be thinking this is the worst maze ever because there's nothing there.
I, for one, actually really liked 2019, and surprisingly had Pandora's Box as one of my faves... although it was also one of my favorite sound mixes ever.