Aren't things already about to be at 25% capacity in April? I assume by September, capacity will allowed to be well over 50%, if not practically normal by that point considering vaccinations open up to everyone mid-April. Within 3 months, 28% of California has been vaccinated. That's 60%, if not more, of So Cal vaccinated by end of June. By that same metric, 90% by September, if we even get to that number -- as I suspect we'll probably cap out at 65-70% since some people don't want it. But even at that point, that's a great stance to reach heard immunity and quite frankly, let those people be responsible for whatever happens to them. I don't see the state justifying any capacity limitations at that rate.
I'm not aware of how many out-of-state tourists come to HHN, but I suspect it's a small percentage. But if the parks are strict with only California residents until end of June, I don't see how we won't be in a good position to have a full event with the possibility of a completely open border park by September. Unfortunately they do have to weigh the risk of possibily closing again, but I think at this rate it's a risk worth taking so people can have a full event. Fans will have been clamoring for this for 2 years by the point it opens, it will sell out every single night no matter the price. Some minimal changes are expected, I don't things could be 100% again after this, now that a lot of people will be suffering from PTSD or created new habits about hygiene. I also suspect an even more PC event, which has been getting more watered down year by year.
I'd love some virtual queues for Horror Nights. Everyone's biggest complaint is the lines. If that's still around come September, that's a change I assume many people will like for the better.